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1. You feel “g”s at the bottom of a VC ride

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1 1. You feel 1. 35 “g”s at the bottom of a VC ride
1. You feel 1.35 “g”s at the bottom of a VC ride. What do you feel at the top, and what is the ride pulling in “g”s and m/s/s? (0.65 “g”s, 0.35 “g”s, 3.43 m/s/s) 2. You feel “g”s inverted at the top of a VC ride. What do you feel at the bottom, and what is the ride pulling in “g”s and m/s/s? (2.41 “g”s, 1.41 “g”s, m/s/s) 3. A VC ride makes you go 3.85 m/s in a 5.6 m radius circle. What “g” force do you feel at the top and the bottom? (0.73 “g”s and 1.27 “g”s) 4. You feel 1.61 “g”s at the bottom of a 7.2 m radius VC ride. What is its period? (0.61 “g”s, m/s/s, s)

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