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Shelter Environment Advisor Field Review: Haiti

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Presentation on theme: "Shelter Environment Advisor Field Review: Haiti"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelter Environment Advisor Field Review: Haiti
C. Kelly ProAct Network (

2 Field Review Review environment-focused tools developed
Review role and work of Environment Advisor within field Cluster operation Assist in technical support to Cluster Part of a Shelter Cluster-funded project to improve integration of environment into shelter operations










12 Situation Overview Cluster was not advanced as expected
No general needs or damage assessments done Limited number of NGOs involved in Shelter operations Significant unmet needs Focus on clean-up of Gonaives Staff Overload and Capacity Gaps

13 Environment Advisor Most of ToR not accomplished
Focused more on supporting on-going operations: field visits and inputs on operational issues Resource demand issues could not be assessed due to lack of information. Unclear role vis-à-vis Early Recovery

14 Shelter Cluster Issues
Adequate staffing: An Environment Advisor will become a Shelter Technical Advisor when the latter is lacking. Understanding the Roles of Cluster Advisors Need a minimum of operational agencies to make the Cluster work as a Cluster Shelter Cluster and Early Recovery Cluster responsibilities need to be clarified Accountability and Advocacy not strong

15 Thank You

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