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The flowers and their language

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Presentation on theme: "The flowers and their language"— Presentation transcript:

1 The flowers and their language
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2 amellia You're a flame in my heart

3 amellia

4 piphyllum

5 rchid Seduction, preciousness

6 rimrose I can't live without you

7 Fragile passion; temperance

8 egonia Beware

9 uzmania

10 nthurium

11 anunculus You are radiant with charms

12 yclamen Resignation and goodbye; diffidence

13 arnation Wish I could be with you (white) (striped)
Love and fascination (pink) Admiration

14 oneysuckle Happiness

15 leander Caution; beware

16 oto Flower

17 eranium (pink) Preference

18 andelion Faithfulness; happiness; rustic oracle

19 olumbine Folly

20 ulip (general) Perfect lover, fame

21 ibiscus Delicate beauty

22 ris Faith; hope; wisdom and valour;

23 yacinth Play

24 ily Purity, faith (white)

25 ahlia Dignity, elegance Good taste; instability

26 ose (white) Spiritual love, purity

27 erbera

28 Herry flower

29 photo by Charlotte February 2008

30 Visionné chez Pour en voir plus cliquez ici

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