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Paper Introduction 5th Aug 2010

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1 Paper Introduction 5th Aug 2010
Rotary Molecular Motors: A Large Increase in Speed through a Small Change in Design Tatiana Fernandez Landaluce1, Gabor London, Michael M. Pollard,2 Petra Rudolf,3 and Ben L. Feringa3 1. Centre for Systems Chemistry, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG . Groningen, The Netherlands. 2. Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada 3. Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands The journal of organic chemistry July 2, 2010

2 Asymmetric catalysis Chirality Biomimetic and catalytic oxidation Organogels and smart materials Molecular switches and motors

3 Switchable molecular motor

4 Unidirectional rotation of light driven molecular motor
Rotational cycle UV irradiation Thermal helix inversion (equatorial) Repeat 1 & 2

5 Present work……….. Synthesis of 3
Effect of the steric interactions in the fjord region on the speed of the rotation at 25 oC. Synthesis of 3

6 Unidirectional rotation of motor 3
Step-1, photochemical Step-2, thermal Unstable-3

7 Photochemical behavior
UV-vis spectrum of 3 in methylcyclo-hexane/ methylcylopentane at -153 oC (black) and after irradiation at 365 nm for 30 min (dotted). Shifted band indicates formation of unstable-3 At room temperature identical spectra of stable-3 regenerated indicating thermal isomerization

8 Thermal behavior (1H NMR)
500 MHz 1H NMR spectra of stable-3 in THF at –98oC

9 After 365 nm irradiation (containing unstable-3 and stable-3) PSS 2:1

10 Eyring plot for thermal isomerization
By UV-Vis spectroscopy Temp –93 to –53 oC First order rate constants Gibbs free energy 66 KJ/mol From data half life of unstable isomer were calculated at room temp 70 ms

11 Conclusion…. 2 3 Changing the size of the aromatic upperhalf from a naphthalene moiety (as in 2) to a benzothiophene moiety (as in 3) leads to a dramatic acceleration in the thermal helix inversion. The origin of this acceleration could be the reduction of the steric interactions between the upper- and lower-halves of the molecule in the fjord region Thanking you

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