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JCMS Bus Expectations January 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "JCMS Bus Expectations January 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 JCMS Bus Expectations January 2019

2 Bus Expectations Student Safety is the top priority.
Make choices which will ensure all riders and the driver are safe at all times.

3 Bus Expectations All JCMS expectations apply to the school bus.
Follow all directions given by your driver.

4 Bus Expectations Remain in your assigned seat until the bus comes to a stop. Face forward in your assigned seat at all time. Keep yourself and your belongings in the seat area and out of the aisle.

5 Bus Expectations Use a voice level of 0-2 (no talking, whisper, or quiet conversation). Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind words to yourself. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. Get permission from the driver to open or close bus windows. Use school appropriate language at all times.

6 Bus Expectations Ride assigned route and get off bus at assigned route every time you ride. Permission to ride another route or change stops must be secured at least 2 days in advance of any special situation. Arrive at your bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to bus arrival Allow the bus to come to a complete stop prior to attempting to board the bus. Only cross the road a minimum of 10 feet in FRONT of the bus.

7 Bus Expectations Minor Bus Infractions Leaning into the aisles.
Turning around in seat. Consuming food, drink, or gum. Talking too loudly. Littering on the bus Other(s)

8 Bus Expectations Major Bus Infractions Obscene behavior
Disrespect/insubordination Vandalism Fighting/assault Possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and/or weapons. Other(s)

9 Bus Expectations Steps for responding to bus referrals
Warning 1-day bus suspension 3-day bus suspension 5-day bus suspension 30-day bus suspension 60-day bus suspension Remainder of the school year bus suspension Automatic bus suspension—minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 60 days depending on severity: Fighting/assault, possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and/or weapons. Other major infractions may result in an automatic bus suspension. When assessing consequences, the Administrator may take into account the frequency/severity of infractions.

10 Bus Expectations Acceptable Items on the Bus:
Sack Lunches in closed container/cooler/bag Small band and orchestra instruments (must fit in your lap). Some instruments must be transported by parents or guardians. Backpacks that are not oversized. Personal listening devices using only one earbud. Playing games and sending text messages is allowed as long as the electronic device remains in the student’s lap.

11 Bus Expectations Unacceptable Items on the Bus
Eating, drinking and chewing gum are not acceptable. Pets/animals are not permitted. No firearms or weapons as outlined in USD #475 BOE policy. Using cell phones to make or receive calls is only allowed when authorized by the driver in the case of an emergency.

12 Bus Expectations Conclusion Sit in your assigned seat.
Follow Bus Rules. When the driver gives you a direction, look at them, say okay, and do what they ask. Travel safely from home to school and back home each day. Failure to follow through with expectations may result in the loss of bus privileges.

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