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How to Compile a Working Bibliography

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Presentation on theme: "How to Compile a Working Bibliography"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Compile a Working Bibliography

2 What is a working bibliography?
Collection of books, magazines and other source materials that contain information about your topic. This does not have to be entirely devoted to your specific topic.

3 Where to find materials
Reader’s guide to periodical literature – ask your library if they have periodical data base Catalog – index to the entire library Internet or online services

4 Should I use the first sources I find or should I keep looking?
The best source is the one that have the most information about your topic It should be in a style you can easily understand Must help you think of a problem or a question that you can solve for your scientific investigation

5 Ask these question to guide you

6 How do I prepare a working bibliography?
Write the bibliography information on a 3x5 index card Study the sample bibliography (handout) on the next slide Number your bibliography cards consecutively as you make them. This will save time when making a note sheet/card Write a brief description at the bottom of the card to remember what the source is about. Use the back if you need more space Notice the points about your topic that you would like to write about in your paper.


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