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Parents Information Evening Transfer to Secondary School

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1 Parents Information Evening Transfer to Secondary School







8 Secondary Admission Kent resident parents will be able to apply for their child’s school place either online or using a paper form known as the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) SCAF or online application is used as a means of expressing one or more preferences of secondary school. SCAF invites parents to express up to four preferences and to rank each school in order of preference

9 Secondary Admission 31 October 2019 is the National Closing Date for applications. Schools to be sent list of children that have applied online Children with a an EHCP do not apply for schools for a place through the main round of admissions

10 Secondary Admission Entry to grammar schools is restricted to children who have been assessed as suitable through the relevant tests Receiving a grammar assessment in the Kent Test does not guarantee a grammar school place at offer day as they may be oversubscribed Registration for the Kent grammar school tests will open on 3 June Parents wishing their children to sit the tests are required to register with the Kent Admissions Team (either online or paper) no later than 3 July 2019

11 Secondary Admission Kent test will take place in school on Thursday 12 September 2019 (Saturday 14 September for non Kent schools) By 6 July 2019 schools will receive a list of their pupils that have applied to sit the Kent grammar school tests. Schools have until 13 July to contact parents of children who are interested in grammar school and who have not yet replied In the following exceptional circumstances arrangements will be made for testing to take place by the end of January 2020: Illness on one or both test dates, confirmed by a doctor’s certificate A move into the KCC area

12 Secondary Admission Assessment decision letters will be sent out by 1st class post on 17 October 2019. Online applications will be sent an after 4pm on 17 October 2019 No right of appeal against the assessment decision but parents/ carers may make an admission appeal to an independent appeal panel if their child is refused admission to any school, including a grammar school after 2 March 2020

13 Secondary Admission National offer day – 2 March 2020 KCC will send an offer after 4pm to those parents who have applied online Send decision letters to ALL paper SCAF applicants and, as a minimum, all online applicants that did not receive an offer of their first preference

14 Secondary Admission By 16 March 2020 parents must inform the school whether they wish to accept or refuse the place offered on offer day All parents/ carers have the statutory right to appeal against any decision refusing them a school place and must lodge their appeal by 27 March 2020 for it to be considered as on time

15 Procedure for Entrance to Secondary Education 2019 (PESE)
Any Y5 pupil must register for testing by 3 July 2019 to take part in the September tests. This includes children with a EHC Plan. Registration opens on 3 June 2019 Pupils will be assessed on the basis of their performance in two nationally- standardised assessment tests produced by GL Assessment

16 English and Maths test in multiple choice format lasting approximately 60 minutes – two separate sections each with introductory practice items, English first Reasoning test in multiple choice format lasting approximately 60 minutes – one Verbal Reasoning section and five Non-Verbal (including spatial), separately timed with introductory practice items Pupils will also be required to complete a writing exercise under test conditions which will take 40 minutes (should assessment require further consideration A familiarisation paper is available on the Kent website

17 Non-verbal reasoning tests involve reasoning with abstract figures
Non-verbal reasoning tests involve reasoning with abstract figures. Test questions consist of abstract figures and not words. Administration instructions are read out to the pupils. Verbal reasoning tests mainly involve reasoning with words, and typically include question types principally concerned with the production of, use of and relationships between words. In some cases, these tests will also include questions that require the manipulation of letters and numbers.




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