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Developments on IRMIS at APS

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1 Developments on IRMIS at APS
Presentation by Debby Quock IRMIS Workshop EPICS Collaboration Meeting 2008 INFN - Laboratori Nazionali Di Legnaro

2 IRMIS2 Tools Recent Additions
User Viewers Global Search Tool IOC (architecture) Racks Info Component History Infrastructure Monitoring System User Editors Line Command Tools aoiExist aoiMedm pvUsage Under the Covers Component NRTL Inspection

3 Global Search Tool Viewer
A one-stop global search tool for the entire IRMIS database. Built with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology. Includes a two-tier level of displayed search results and a database data integrity validation and reporting mechanism. AJAX  PHP MySQL AJAX  PHP MySQL AJAX  PHP MySQL PHP MySQL IRMIS AOI Viewer

4 IOC Viewer – IOC Architecture Details
Scott Benes Information parsed from IOC bootparams files

5 Racks Info Viewer Scott Benes
Information retrieved from IRMIS database

6 Component History Viewer/Editor
Claude Saunders Echo Web Framework

7 Component History Database Schema

8 APS Controls Infrastructure Monitoring System Nagios User Interface
“Hostgroup Summary”

9 APS Controls IMS PDA-Friendly User Interface

10 Controls Infrastructure Monitoring System Process Data Flow Diagram
PV Gateway Assortment of PHP and Perl Scripts IOC and Component PV name lists in: - XML files - Nagios formatted .cfg files Perl Script IRMIS MySQL Database <XML Data Files> <.cfg Data Files> Nagios <CA Monitor Updates via Pipe> Controls Servers <Ping or ps> IRMIS PHP Web Pages Nagios Relational Database Plug-in Controls On-Call Blackberry Nagios MySQL Database

11 IRMIS Line Command Tools aoiExist
bash-3.00$ aoiExist Error: No strings specified. Usage: aoiExist [-p[v]] <string> [<string> ...] Print AOI names containing <string> or print AOI names for EPICS record names containing <string> when the -p (or -pv) option is given. Strings with * (or %) wildcard characters are allowed, however each string with asterisks must be enclosed in quotes. Usage examples: aoiExist aoi_site_controls_asdstd aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch aoi_site_controls_asdstd aoi_site_controls_asdstd_ca-host-id aoi_site_controls_asdstd_console-chime aoi_site_controls_asdstd_ioc-data-dump aoi_site_controls_asdstd_ioc-status aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch-current-monitor aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch-current-monitor_attenuator aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch-current-monitor_studies aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch-current-monitor_timing aoi_sr_diagnostics_bunch-purity-stratix2 aoiExist -p L1:MO:KlyMag2 L1:MO:KlyMag2 L1:MO:KlyMag2CurrAI aoi_linac_rf_modulator_l1 L1:MO:KlyMag2CurrLimitBI L1:MO:KlyMag2CurrLimitLABI L1:MO:KlyMag2VoltAI L1:MO:KlyMag2VoltLimitBI L1:MO:KlyMag2VoltLimitLABI bash-3.00$ Janet Anderson Information retrieved from IRMIS database

12 IRMIS Line Command Tools aoiMedm
bash-3.00$ aoiMedm Error: No names specified. Usage: aoiMedm [-l] <aoi_name> or aoiMedm [-l] -p[v] <rec_name> Execute and/or list top medm displays for a specified AOI or for the AOI of a specified EPICS record where <aoi_name> is a full AOI name. Wildcard characters are not allowed. <rec_name> is a full EPICS record name. Wildcard characters are not allowed. -l List the AOI's top medm display uris. -p Following argument is an EPICS record name -pv Following argument is an EPICS record name Usage example: aoiMedm -l aoi_b-bypass_diagnostics_bpm_scdu aoi_b-bypass_diagnostics_bpm_scdu /usr/local/iocapps/adlsys/booster/BbpmApp/scduQuadA.adl QUAD=B1 C1=0 C2=1 C3=2 /usr/local/iocapps/adlsys/booster/BbpmApp/scduQuadB.adl QUAD=B4 C1=6 C2=7 C3=8 bash-3.00$ Janet Anderson Information retrieved from IRMIS database

13 Line Command pvUsage Janet Anderson
bash-3.00$ pvUsage Error: No SDDS files or EPICS records specified. Usage: pvUsage [-c] <name> [<name> ...] Print PV usage information from irmis database. i.e. Print db link references and MEDM, ALH, ... filenames which contain the command line PV names or contain the old PV names from command line pv-name-change SDDS ascii filenames. where <name> is a db record name, a PV name, or an SDDS ascii filename. The prefix `/net/phoebus/asdctls/documentation/pv_name_changes/` will be prepended to filenames if the specified filename cannot be found. PV names with * (or %) wildcard characters are allowed but name with asterisks must be enclosed in quotes. -c Print PV usage information as a comma separated list. Usage example: pvUsage L1:RFG:DC3ARF.TGTM VM:01:2IP6ID1 ID01ds:DeviceEnbl% L1:RFG:DC3ARF.TGTM PV link usage ioclid L1:RFG:DC3BRF.TKPV L1:RFG:DC3ARF.TGTM NPP NMS CA client usage MEDM L1:RFG:DC3ARF.TGTM /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/linac/L1_RF_D1_mon_1.adl L1:RFG:DC3ARF.TGTM /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/linac/L1_RF_D1_mon_2.adl VM:01:2IP6ID1 No PV link usage found VM:01:2IP6ID1.SET /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/vacApp/srHex01-05.adl VM:01:2IP6ID1.VAL /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/vacApp/srHex01-05.adl Alarm Handler VM:01:2IP6ID1.VAL /net/helios/iocapps/opsys/asdops/alh/SJ_SR_Vacuum.alhConfig VM:01:2IP6ID1.VAL /net/helios/iocapps/opsys/asdops/alh/Shutdown1.alhConfig sddslogger VM:01:2IP6ID1.VAL /home/helios/oagData/dataLoggerConfig/timeSeries.sdds ID01ds:DeviceEnbl% iocid ID01ds:DeviceEnable.FLNK ID01ds:DeviceEnblRdbk.PROC ID01ds:DeviceEnblRdbk.VAL /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/id/GlobalIDEnable.adl ID01ds:DeviceEnblStat.VAL /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/id/IDStatus.adl 'ID=01ds, M=2, D=1' /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/id/IDStatus.adl '' /net/helios/iocapps/adlsys/sr/id/2_Motor_Encoders.adl bash-3.00$ Line Command pvUsage Janet Anderson Information retrieved from IRMIS database

14 IRMIS Under the Covers Component NRTL Inspection

15 Questions and Comments

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