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Julien Seitz et al. JACEP 2016;2:

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1 Julien Seitz et al. JACEP 2016;2:732-742
RF Applications Locations and AF Termination Points (A, left side) Biatrial schematic of regions ablated (7 regions): 1) left PVs and left appendage; 2) right PVs and posterior interatrial groove; 3) inferior and posterior LA; 4) upper half of right atrium and appendage; 5) lower half of right atrium; 6) anterior LA and roof; and 7) anterior interatrial groove. Reprinted with permission from Haïssaguerre et al. (11). (A, right side) Proportion of patients who underwent RF applications in each region and number of RF applications by region (mean ± SD). (B) Three-dimensional mapping distribution of AF termination points (43 patients) in both atria (by CARTO). AT = atrial tachycardia; CS = coronary sinus; IVC = inferior vena cava; LAO = left anterior oblique; LIPV = left inferior pulmonary vein; MA = mitral annulus; PA = posteroanterior; RAA = right atrial appendage; RIPV = right inferior pulmonary vein; RSPV = right superior pulmonary vein; SVC = superior vena cava; TA = tricuspid annulus; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2. Julien Seitz et al. JACEP 2016;2: American College of Cardiology Foundation

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