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Social Media and Corporate Social Responsibility

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media and Corporate Social Responsibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media and Corporate Social Responsibility
Presented by Beaton Nyamapanda Chief Technology Officer – Omalaeti Technologies

2 Omalaeti Technologies
Enterprise Software Development Solutions Local Fleet and Asset Management Systems Website and Intranet Solutions Mobile Application development Developers of Lela mobile app (

3 What is social media? Social media is a social instrument of communication Social media is the collection of online communications channels dedicated to community- based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration Social media is a two way communication medium

4 Social Media – the big guys
Facebook Twitter Google Plus YouTube

5 Our Experience with Namibian Social Media landscape
Companies were reluctant to invest in social media initiatives After convincing them of the need social media No social media policy or plan Haphazard and inconsistent interactions with clients No top management support No recognition of social media efforts

6 Benefits of Social Media for CSI
Social Media is a powerful communication vehicle that can amplify CSI messages and label a company as a good corporate citizen Tool for listening, monitoring, and responding to conversations about your CSI efforts and relevant trends in the field. Social Media is a natural fit for CSI. Social Media is a world-wide phenomenon for organizations to embrace. If a company does not use Social Media for CSI, stakeholders will assume nothing is being done. Social media allows companies to influence and view the behaviour of their customers

7 CSI and Social Media What can companies do?
Beat your own drum (if you have CSI initiatives you are running use social media to let people aware) Create your own media (Social media is free, all it requires is time investment) Communicate directly with those involved (if your CSI initiatives are so good for the community, social media allows you to measure value addition to society)

8 CSI and Social Media What can companies do?....cont
Respond to negative and positive feedback Listen to feedback and respond in an authentic way Listen & Learn - assess the needs of the communities where you do business to determine which social issues to address (via social media) Always remember: Social Media is a Conversation, treat it as such. Its two way communication, its not a press release (Don't just broadcast information, consume it as well)

9 CSI and Social Media What can companies do?....cont
Keep your social media presences up-to-date and respond to your followers Encourage Sharing - One of the great things about social media is its power to spread information quickly

10 Thank you for your time

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