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Tosheka’s Rolling Springs

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1 Tosheka’s Rolling Springs
Provides access to Life’s most precious necessity water without the drudgery.


3 Millions of people globally do not have ready access to running water at their homes. They are forced to walk miles carrying heavy (47 lb. – 21Kgs) water containers daily. The cost of having water delivered is often three times the cost of purchasing the water. Unsafe drinking water contributes to 88 percent of cases of diarrhea worldwide. Diarrheal disease is the second leading contributor to global disease burden and kills more than 2 million children a year.

4 Many times, woman; the very young and venerable elderly are doing this strenuous time-consuming task of carrying and supplying water for their family daily needs. Water is heavy. The World Health Organization recommends liters of water per person per day for drinking, cooking and washing. That amounts to hauling between 44 and 110 pounds of water daily for use by each household member. And in many places, water sources are far from homes. In Asia and Africa, women walk an average of 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) per day collecting water. Carrying such loads over long distances can result in strained backs, shoulders and necks, and other injuries if women have to walk over uneven and steep terrain or on busy roads.


6 Tosheka Rolling Springs eases the transport of water containers by incapsulating them in a structure that allows them to be rolled and guided over any terrain. Tosheka’s Rolling Springs unit is patent pending and makes it easy for anyone to transport quickly one or multiple containers of water at one time over long distances. Rolling our unit causes the water to turn within the container building up a rotating force and momentum that propels the container easily across any terrain with minimal effort.

7 Our units are designed to promote the smooth rolling of the containers without it being exposed to the rough terrain which prevents damage to the container. In our design the container is isolated for ground contact and therefore not venerable to damage and ware. We also have a three container roller to increase the volume, efficiency and reduce the time so that youth don’t miss time from school. Our system has several major advantages over other water transport systems which are very expensive ($150.) and unaffordable to the common user. Our units are designed to be durable maintenance free; have a manufacturing defect warranty of 5 years; a lifespan expediency of 15 year and are nominally priced ($ 60.)

8 As a part our social mission we train and employ local youth and use local material and recycled tires. Please join with us and become a sponsor in our effort to support families to have access to Life’s most precious necessity water without the drudgery. These units are given to families who then share them with their nabobs to relieve the strain of their water collection. We are initially focusing on supporting existing water access projects and the following communities.: Wote; Mlolongo; Athi River & Kitengalla Tosheka Products provide direct solutions to address the life, health and safety issues facing Kenyans on a daily basis while providing employment and business opportunities.

9 Please see our website for more details and the following links for demonstration videos. Margret Video First interview no donkey work First interview no donkey work Wote demonstration:  

10 Users Testimony : After using our “Tosheka Rolling Springs” Ms. Margret stated; It’s Good, it makes work easy. Can I get one because Kettering the water strange my back? My 12-year-old daughter recently dislocated her shoulder carrying water. If we have this, we can share it with others and enjoy our world. This thing is good with me and am no forcing it up hill. It almost rolls automatically over any ground. I will not carry water or my back again if this is available. The people in my community will really appreciate this.  “May God Bless the Work Of your Hand!”

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