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Differences that Make a Difference

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Presentation on theme: "Differences that Make a Difference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences that Make a Difference

2 What is Diversity? Discussion:
Let’s start by talking as a group about the definition of diversity. What is diversity to you? (Common discussion may reference – Differences in one’s socio-economic background, race, culture, religion, education, age, disability, marital status, gender or sexual orientation) [Use a white board or flip chart to write these down]

3 Agenda Define diversity
Review the many differences present in our organization Discuss how diversity impacts us daily Review the importance of diversity Diversity in resident rights and organization policy How to navigate diversity Applying principles to everyday work Many people steer away from discussions about diversity because they want to circumvent the difficulty and discomfort these interactions often evoke. However, today we are going to tackle this conversation head on and cover the following. First we will start by defining diversity, review the many differences present in our organization, discuss how diversity impacts us daily, and review the importance of diversity. We will then review how diversity is present in resident rights and organization policy, talk about how to navigate diversity and end with a discussion on how we can apply these principles to our everyday work.

4 Diversity is… Differences that make a difference
Diversity is differences that make a difference. Differences may be in how we approach situations, make decisions, interpret communications, and prioritize work. Discussion: Now, looking at our list from just a moment ago, what additional things do you think we should add? [Goal: team members should understand that diversity is more than just the protected classes and characteristics named and protected by law. For example, different learning styles as.]

5 Differences that May Make A Difference
Preferences in daily routines Attitude Religious affiliation Family structure Values Politics Education Beliefs Training Experience Motivational factors Friendship ties Tenure/length of service Abilities Information or expertise Affective disposition Raised rural or urban Learning styles Community ties What else? There are many differences that have the potential to make a difference in the workplace. Here is a list…[review slides]. Discussion – what other differences can you think of? [consider crossing off the differences that team members names to see what unique characteristics the group thought of during the activity]

6 Many Pillars of Diversity
Emotional Financial Social Spiritual Occupational Physical Intellectual Environmental Many Pillars of Diversity One way to think of diversity is to look at these eight dimensions: emotional, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, intellectual and environment, and reflect on the many differences in beliefs, approaches and situations. For those that think that these dimensions look familiar – these dimensions are often referred to as the areas of wellness!

7 How Diversity Impacts Us Daily
The decisions we make Quality of care Overall satisfaction How we communicate Performance (what we do or don’t do) Prioritization Collaborate Ability to relate The reality is that the differences we have discussed impact us on a daily basis. Diversity impacts the decisions we make, level of quality of care, our resident/family member’s overall satisfaction, how we communicate, our performance (what we do or don’t do), how we prioritize, collaborate and relate with one another.

8 Diversity in our Relationships
Team Members Leadership Residents Family Members Our Community Diversity is present in all of our relationships- team members, leaders, residents, family members, and community members all bring diversity to our organization.

9 The Strength of Diversity
Increases performance Helps us remain objective Encourages us to re-examine facts Increases creativity Helps us relate to our residents and family members In our workplace – the diversity that is present between team members and leaders is healthy as it increases performance, helps us remain objective, encourages us to re-examine facts, increases creativity (how we approach situations, handle conflicts) and more importantly, helps us relate to our residents and family members (improving overall quality of care and resident satisfaction).

10 Relationship to Resident Rights
“A facility must treat each resident with respect and dignity and care for each resident in a manner and in an environment that promotes maintenance or enhancement of his or her quality of life, recognizing each resident’s individuality. The facility must protect and promote the rights of the resident.” Recognizing, valuing and celebrating diversity is a part of our standards as an organization. Under the resident rights, “A facility must treat each resident with respect and dignity and care for each resident in a manner and in an environment that promotes maintenance or enhancement of his or her quality of life, recognizing each resident’s individuality. The facility must protect and promote the rights of the resident.“ We have an obligation to recognize the diversity that exists within our resident’s lives with each and every interaction.

11 Equal Employment Opportunity
INSERT EEO STATEMENT FROM COMMUNITY POLICY At an organization level, we also have an obligation to recognize the diversity that exists at the team member level. Our equal employment opportunity policy…[insert details from policy].

Our Open Door culture fosters diversity by…[insert details on open door culture policy and how it supports].

13 Navigating Diversity – the Basics
Demonstrate mutual trust and respect Avoid assumptions Maintain adult to adult communication Focus on issues, not individuals Bring a positive perspective Ask clarifying questions Provide feedback Navigating diversity in the workplace can be complex, however following these basic people skills (may of which are familiar to you already); will help us as an organization see the value of diversity. First, demonstrate mutual trust and respect (in both what we say and how we say it); avoid assumptions, maintain adult to adult communication, focus on issues – not individuals, bring a positive perspective, ask clarifying questions and care enough to provide feedback.

14 This Means We have face-to-face conversations when there are differences We will ask clarifying questions to solve an issue We demonstrate respect by speaking to people directly, rather than talking to others about it Practically speaking, this means …. When there are differences, have a face-to-face conversation with that person. We will ask clarifying questions to solve an issue. We demonstrate respect by speaking to people directly, rather than taking the issue to others when the one with whom we have an issue is not present.

15 This Means We respect others’ time and priorities by arranging for an appropriate time and place for conversations We strive not to take things personally and listen with an open heart and mind We use and texting thoughtfully We do not condone or tolerate verbal, physical or sexual harassment Practically speaking, this means …. We respect others’ time and priorities by arranging for an appropriate time and place for the conversation. We strive not to take things personally and listen with an open heart and mind. We use and texting thoughtfully. We do not condone or tolerate verbal, physical or sexual harassment.

16 Conclusion How can we work together to leverage the diversity that exists on our team? How can we seek to understand the diversity of residents and family members? Now, let’s talk about this – Discussion: How can we work together to leverage the diversity that exists on our team? How can we seek to understand the diversity of residents and family members?

17 Questions or Comments?

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