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Jerald A. Balta 3/6/2008 Propulsion Team/CAD Cost Modifiers

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1 Jerald A. Balta 3/6/2008 Propulsion Team/CAD Cost Modifiers
AAE 450 Spring 2008

2 Cost Modifiers Balloon Cost Modifiers Cost Modifier
Balloon – Price quote from Aerostar International Helium – Priced at $4.87 per cubic meter Gondola Cost Modifier Tubing – Based on given pricing and scaled per stage Handling – Personnel required for handling of fuels, toxic materials, etc Ground Support – Based on estimation of salaries of necessary personnel AAE 450 Spring 2008 Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)

3 Table of Costs Future Work Finish CAD Modeling
Report Write Up on Balloon and Cost Modifiers AAE 450 Spring 2008 Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)

4 Credited to Sarah Shoemaker
Gondola (Backup) Mass 288.4 kg of Aluminum Cost $1205.3 Provided by Sarah Shoemaker and Structures Group Credited to Sarah Shoemaker AAE 450 Spring 2008 Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)

5 Structures Gondola Code (Backup)
function stress = gondola_strength(GLOW, area, gond_weight) g = ; GLOW = ; area = .787; gond_weight = ; force = (GLOW + gond_weight)*g; stress = force/area; Credit to Structures Group

6 Structures Gondola Cost Code (Backup)
function cost = gond_cost(gond_weight, length) length = 2*.04*4; gond_weight = ; time_weld = 1/.6*length; num_rivet = length/.1524; cost_rivet = .73; labor_cost = .049; cost_labor = 52; rivet_cost = cost_rivet*num_rivet; labor_hr = labor_cost*num_rivet; Labor_cost = cost_labor*labor_hr; mat_cost = 13.23*84.533; weld_cost = 150*time_weld; riv_cost = rivet_cost + Labor_cost; cost = mat_cost + weld_cost + riv_cost; Credit to Structures Group

7 Cost trends from Aerostar (Backup)
AAE 450 Spring 2008 7<#>

8 References Defense Energy Support Center, “MISSILE FUELS STANDARD PRICES EFFECTIVE 1 OCT 2007,” Aerospace Energy Reference, November 2007 Smith, Mike, Phone Conversation, Aerostar International, February 15, 2008

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