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WG11 Snapshot September 08 Date: Authors: Name Company

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Presentation on theme: "WG11 Snapshot September 08 Date: Authors: Name Company"— Presentation transcript:

1 WG11 Snapshot September 08 Date: 2008-09-07 Authors: Name Company
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 WG11 Snapshot September 08 Date: Authors: Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Ln Santa Clara, CA 95054 +1 - 321 4 27 4098 marvell .com Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

2 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers
September 2008 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary K Richard Paine none Joe Kwak Mb -OPEN- N Bruce Kraemer Sheung Li Adrian Stephens P Lee Armstrong Wayne Fisher Susan Dickey R Clint Chaplin William Marshall Michael Montemurro S Donald Eastlake Anthony Maida Stephen Rayment T Neeraj Sharma Tom Alexander U Stephen McCann Necati Canpolat Matthew Gast V Dorothy Stanley Emily Qi Robert Miller W Jesse Walker Nancy Cam-Winget Y Peter Ecclesine Richard Kennedy Z Menzo Wentink Daniel Borges AA Ganesh Venkatesan Hang Liu VHT Eldad Perahia Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

3 WG11 Appointments, ad hocs, Standing Committees
September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 WG11 Appointments, ad hocs, Standing Committees WG Functions Treasurer – Jon Rosdahl Publicity – Stephen McCann WG Editor – Terry Cole WG Secretary – Stephen McCann Standing Committees WNG – TK Tan ARC – David Bagby, VC Darwin Engwer Ad hoc Committees IMT Advanced – Darwin Engwer ,Bruce Kraemer JTC1 – Jesse Walker M.1801 – Peter Ecclesine Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

4 Activity Index Study Groups VHT WG Editor Standing Committees WNG ARC
September 2008 Activity Index Study Groups VHT WG Editor Standing Committees WNG ARC Ad hoc Committees IMT-ADV JTC1 M.1801 Task Groups k mb n p r s t u v w y z aa Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

5 Activity Index Task Groups K - published (D13.0) Mb - maintenance
September 2008 Activity Index Task Groups K - published (D13.0) Mb - maintenance N – WG recirc – (D5.0) – opening sponsor ballot pool R – published (D9.0) S – Developing Draft (D2.0) T – Terminated, PAR being withdrawn (D1.01) U - Developing Draft, LB132 passed (D3.0) V – Developing draft, LB133 failed (D3.0) W – WG recirculation completed, Requesting Sponsor ballot (D6.0) Y – Balloting complete – submitting to RevCom/SASB for publication (D11.0) Z – Revising draft, preparing for recirculation (D1.1) AA – Developing draft, coordinating with 802.1ab Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

6 Activity Index Study Groups
September 2008 Activity Index Study Groups VHT – Proposing two PARS: 60 GHz and <6GHz WG Editor Standing Committees WNG – Technical innovation proposals ARC – (New) –Analysis of architecture current and possible future Ad hoc Committees IMT-ADV – Contributing to evolution of WP5D requirements JTC1 – Coordinating conversations with China regarding WAPI 16 liaison – Co-located coexitence IETF – coordination on special common interest topics Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

7 IEEE 802.11k – May 2008 Complete - Published
September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE k – May 2008 Complete - Published RevCom recommended publication of D13.0 to Standards Board SB approved publication No session time forever into the future Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

8 TGmb Sept 2008 Summary Still willing to accept Chair/Editor/Secretary
September 2008 TGmb Sept 2008 Summary Still willing to accept Chair/Editor/Secretary No Interpretations received. Receive requests for corrections/improvements until Nov 2008 First WG LB targeted March 2009 Target for Revision is Mar 2011 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

9 IEEE 802.11n – September 2008 LB134 passed on D6.0
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE n – September 2008 LB134 passed on D6.0 195 comments Comment resolution began Aug 13 Ad hoc held in Kauai Sep 3,4,5 to prepare Primary session activity will be comment resolution Goal is to start LB on Draft 7 following September meeting TGn opening report is submission 11-08/0939 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

10 TGp Snapshot for September 2008
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 TGp Snapshot for September 2008 Working on LB 125 comment resolutions Majority of comments have resolutions agreed upon in teleconference, need to confirm and finalize this week May be able to complete comment resolutions this week Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

11 IEEE 802.11r September 2008 Opening Report
May 2008 IEEE r September 2008 Opening Report IEEE r-2008 is published. No more meetings Awards in November Slide 11 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

12 IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networking Agenda is in submission 11-08/935r1.
May 2008 September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0547r0 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE s Mesh Networking Agenda is in submission 11-08/935r1. LB #126 on s Draft 2.0 having failed with 1,958 comments received, TGs has adopted D2.0 as its base and has proceed to resolution of those comments. The current comment resolution spread sheet is 11-08/493r18. Resolution status as of the end of the Jacksonville and Denver meetings was as listed below: LB #126 Closed Thru JAX Closed Thru DEN Total 1964 100% 474 24% 783 40% Editorial 656 33% 297 45% 450 69% Technical 1308 67% 177 14% 333 25% Slide 12 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 12 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

13 802.11T - Meeting Goals Work on Withdrawing TGT PAR
September 2008 802.11T - Meeting Goals Work on Withdrawing TGT PAR Discussion on document publication – Wed mid week Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

14 IEEE 802.11u – Sep 2008 Review of Sept Ad Hoc meeting (Kauai)
September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE u – Sep 2008 Review of Sept Ad Hoc meeting (Kauai) LB 132 Comment Resolution Technical Submissions this week Discussions with IEEE (Network Discovery) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

15 September 2008 IEEE v – September 2008 Held an Ad-hoc, 3 con calls since July session This week LB 133 Comment Resolution Hear Presentations Letter Ballot Agenda in document Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

16 TGw September Meeting Status & Objectives
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 TGw September Meeting Status & Objectives TGw Status Initial sponsor ballot under way, to close September 21 September Meeting Objectives Worked toward resolution of comments received thus far Plan teleconferences/ad hocs Pass any motions necessary TGw will meet only twice: Monday, 10:30-12:30 Thursday, 16:30-18:30 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

17 TGy Waikoloa – September 08
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 TGy Waikoloa – September 08 Nearly done – No session time in September No motions Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

18 IEEE 802.11z – September 2008 TGz LB 135 received 66% approval rate
500 technical comments, 300 editorial Off-channel DLS Power Saving (Peer PSM and Peer U-APSD) Security TGz has 7 slots this week to work on comment resolution Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

19 IEEE 802.11aa Video Transport – September 08
May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0547r0 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE aa Video Transport – September 08 Temporary chair as Ganesh is unable to attend Alex Ashley (NDS Ltd) Agenda document 08/1003r0 Goals Complete OBSS Requirements (08/944r3) Complete Multicast Requirements (08/758r3) Listen to Technical Proposals Review of PAR (gap analysis) Discuss agenda for next joint 802.1AVB meeting Slide 19 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 19 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

20 VHT SG – Meeting Goals – September 08
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 VHT SG – Meeting Goals – September 08 VHTL6 Review of PAR feedback from Nescom VHT60 Update PAR based on EC feedback Bring motion to re-approve PAR to WG Joint meeting with c Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

21 Editors Goals for September 2008 Meeting
March 2008 doc.: IEEE /03399r0 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 Editors Goals for September 2008 Meeting Meet with all editors (Tuesday 7am) Review status of ongoing publication projects Resolve ongoing numbering of items in drafts Discuss Numbering of Annexes and other streamlining items Update editor contacts and publish in closing report Update draft information and publish in closing report ANA database Receive requests Update Slide 21 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Terry L Cole, AMD Page 21 Terry L Cole, AMD Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

22 WNG SC – Meeting Goals Sep 08
September 2008 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 WNG SC – Meeting Goals Sep 08 Review WNG SC Plans Scheduled Presentations IEEE Broadcast Handovers Study Group SlyFi: Enhancing Privacy by Concealing Link Layer Identifiers WAVE Channel Modelling and The Midamble Insertion Effects Security in Wireless Networks: using PHY resources to do better Field Trial Results from High Mobility environment Facilitate technical presentations Organize presentations by topic/theme Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

23 Arc SC – September Meeting Goals
July 2008 doc.: IEEE /0760r1 doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 Arc SC – September Meeting Goals Short recap of Denver & Telecons Continuation of Mac internal architecture model effort As expected is Spawning multiple future project topics Slide 23 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 23 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

24 IEEE 802.11 IMT-Advanced – September 2008
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 IEEE IMT-Advanced – September 2008 Technical portion of Circular Letter was nearly completed in July 2008 Correspondence group being reactivated All work for ITU-R WP5D to be completed in Korea early October October 7 workshop WG11 Session Goal WP5D correspondence SRIT activity with WG16 Interface with .21, slide to WG16 for Workshop WG18 meeting Possibility of 802 contribution Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

25 JTC1 September Meeting Status
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 JTC1 September Meeting Status Meeting held in Xi’an, China, July 22-24, to discuss WAPI standardization IEEE Attendees: Jesse Walker, Ning Hua China believes it can standardize WAPI only in ISO/IEC or ITU-T IEEE 802 agreed to explore two options WAPI as a stand-alone international standard Would reference ISO/IEC but would not include text WAPI as an ISO/IEC technical report, with continuing dialog on standardization Same document as above, but continue working toward harmonization IEEE agreed to respond to ISO/IEC and China on its preferences by September 15 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

26 JTC1 September Meeting Objectives
doc.: IEEE /0938r0 September 2008 JTC1 September Meeting Objectives Develop IEEE WG response to Xi’an Meeting Select which, if any, of the options explored as a WG position Prepare response to deliver to ISO/IEC and China by Monday, September 15 Prepare materials for SC6 Plenary meeting Nov 3-7 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

27 September 2008 M.1801 ad hoc – Sept 2008 Create draft text for response to ITU-R inquiry Thursday AM2 timeslot, 08/964r1 will be discussed/revised Friday motion to approve submission to Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

28 September 2008 Recent Ballots Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

29 September 2008 TGN LB 134 This ballot was a 15 day Technical, Fourth Recirculation Letter Ballot for IEEE n - Draft 6.00. asking the question “Should TGn Draft 6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Ballot Opening Date:  Monday July 21, 2008 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Tuesday August 05, 2008 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 325 eligible people are in this ballot group.     266 affirmative votes    27 negative votes     21 abstention votes ===   314 votes received  =  96.6 % valid returns                                     =   6.7 % valid abstentions This ballot has met the 50% returned ballot ratio requirement. The ballot abstention rate was less than 30%.   APPROVAL RATE: 266  affirmative votes       =  90.8 % affirmative   27  total negative votes  =   9.2 % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met.  Motion Passes Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

30 September 2008 TGZ LB 135 This ballot was a 30 day Technical Letter Ballot for IEEE z - Draft 2.00. asking the question “Should TGz Draft 2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Ballot Opening Date:  Monday July 21, 2008 - 23:59 ET Ballot Closing Date:   Tuesday August 20, 2008 - 23:59 ET  RESPONSE RATE: 243 eligible people are in this ballot group.     99 affirmative votes    51 negative votes     48 abstention votes ===   198 votes received  =   % valid returns                                     =   % valid abstentions This ballot has met the 50% returned ballot ratio requirement. The ballot abstention rate was less than 30%.   APPROVAL RATE: 99  affirmative votes       =   % affirmative   51  total negative votes  =   % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has not been met.   Motion fails. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

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