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Ch. Durin, E. Laurent, DSO/AQ/MP S. Remaury, DSO/TB/TH

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. Durin, E. Laurent, DSO/AQ/MP S. Remaury, DSO/TB/TH"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. Durin, E. Laurent, DSO/AQ/MP S. Remaury, DSO/TB/TH
SPACEMON 2017 WORKSHOP CNES sensors for understanding the space environment and the effects on materials Ch. Durin, E. Laurent, DSO/AQ/MP S. Remaury, DSO/TB/TH Service AQ / MP Présentation basée sur les présentations d’experts du domaine, F. Faye pour vide et contamination

2 Contents History Goals DEBRIS monitors ATOX monitors
THERMAL COATINGS AGEING monitors Conclusions Service AQ / MP Présentation basée sur les présentations d’experts du domaine, F. Faye pour vide et contamination

3 The detectors are considered as passenger.
SPACEMON 2017 workshop – 13/12/2017 HISTORY The CNES use detectors during operational spatial missions (SPOT, SAC-D) as well as on dedicated missions (LDEF, MIR, ISS). The detectors are considered as passenger. Detectors = specific sensors to monitor one of the parameters of the environment Passive detectors and/or active monitors Passive detectors have to be retrieved after flight in order to be analysed on ground Spatial structures which in case of (control) return to the Earth can become a witnesses to measure the effects of the environment on materials.

4 Qualified multi missions
SPACEMON 2017 workshop HISTORY The opportunities of flight being rather rare, the design of these experiments was optimized in order to be flight compatible and used on several carriers. The resources must be : Mass/size limited Power limited Data’s flux limited Cost reduce Qualified multi missions

5 The main goals to use such detectors cover different aspects:
SPACEMON 2017 workshop OBJECTIVES The main goals to use such detectors cover different aspects: To improve our knowledge of our close environment in order to: Better design our structures To have better protection for human flight To better understand the phenomena of synergy between several parameters of the environment To supply entries for models of environment and for the design To compare the flight data’s with the ground test To optimize our ground tests and save cost

6 Particles from asteroids or comets V > 70 Km/s Continue back ground
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Particles from asteroids or comets V > 70 Km/s Continue back ground Mass estimation 100 t/days Particles from man activities = debris Number increase >12000 big objects tracked Today no system for “cleaning” Life time in space SPOT (825 x 825 km) 200 years GEO orbit  Millenniums High kinetic energy Al sphere 1 mm at 10 km/s  perforation of an Al wall th. 4 mm Collision recorded

7 Debris Monitors Impact on Al (MEDET) Impact on MLI (MEDET)
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Impact on Al (MEDET) Impact on MLI (MEDET) Impact on blanket (LDEF credit NASA) Impact on solar cell (Hubble)

8 Current design (ONERA/CNES) consist 4 sensors and electronics box.
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors SODAD Active sensors based upon monitoring of the discharge of parallel plates capacitors during an impact. Current design (ONERA/CNES) consist 4 sensors and electronics box. Dimensions: 120 x 120 x 90 mm Active surface 5.1 x 8 = 40.8 cm2 Sensitivity : 0.5 µm particle at 10 Km/s Mass: 1 kg, Power: 1 W

9 Status of SODAD activities on ISS Impacts prediction:
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Status of SODAD activities on ISS Impacts prediction: MASTER 2005 simulation: 400 km, I = 52°, RAM face, total MM+D  2500 impacts/m2/year = 10 impacts/year on SODAD for MMD≥1µm Typical on ground results : Projectile : Carbonyl-iron, diameter = 0.4 to 1.2 μm. In flight impact ( , RAM position): (F=10MHz)

10 Status of SODAD activities on ISS
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Status of SODAD activities on ISS During the mission, 11 impacts have been detected. Distribution in time is not random and appears to be linked to peculiar events. Post flight analysis have confirmed in flight results Good behavior Distribution in time of impacts observed during the exposure to space of SODAD-1

11 Status of SODAD activities on SAC-D Collaboration in CARMEN payload
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Status of SODAD activities on SAC-D Collaboration in CARMEN payload 3 units have been used, pointing to 3 orthogonal directions Impacts on Ram face: 36 impacts, resulting is: 2250 impacts/m2/year. Impacts on Wake face: 2 impacts counted, resulting flux is: 120 impacts/m2/year, Impacts on Zenith face: 1 impact counted, resulting flux is: 60 impacts/m2/year. The flux measured on the wake and zenith faces are lower than expected

12 Cumulative impacts on detector 3 (+X) SODAD-2
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Status of SODAD activities on SAC-D The global measured flux of micro-particles is lower than predictions given by the MASTER. The distribution of the impacts in time is not random Cumulative impacts on detector 3 (+X) SODAD-2

13 Status of passive experiments on ISS Need to be retrieved
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Debris Monitors Status of passive experiments on ISS Need to be retrieved Increase surface detection (MLI) Multi materials Shape and chemical composition Bloc Optical SEM 1 3 2 5 6 Total 9 Aerogel results summary Very low density material ( g/cm3, suitable to collect almost intact particles for identification.

14 MLI au niveau du GS de l’ISS
SPACEMON 2017 workshop ATOX Monitors ATOX (Atomic oxygen). Important for outside materials, linked with solar activities and degrade polymers and some metallic materials. The effects are crucial For mechanical behavior (mass loss, structures embrittlement), Thermo-optical properties of surfaces (modification of thermal balance), Electrical conductivity (modification of charging), and contamination (molecular and particular). MLI au niveau du GS de l’ISS Kapton H Teflon FEP

15 ONERA design and development under CNES R&T activity
SPACEMON 2017 workshop ATOX monitors Resistak principle Measure the variation resistance of Kapton layers under AO Device 3cmx4cm Detection area ≈ 2cmx2cm ONERA design and development under CNES R&T activity Simple sensor, small device Easy to operate (Labview interface for R acquisition), Ready to flight

SPACEMON 2017 workshop THERMAL COATINGS AGEING monitors Thermo-optical properties of a coating change with time in orbit: Ageing due to UV Contamination due to outgassing products Erosion by atomic oxygen (ATOX) in low orbits Flux of charged particles The thermo-optical properties have a decisive impact on the thermal control definition (in particular: radiator size, temperature level and stability and heating power) Ground testing allows to estimate the change, but it is difficult to combine all degradation factors with a representative way

SPACEMON 2017 workshop THERMAL COATINGS AGEING monitors LDEF experiment : before/after 5,7 years in orbit

SPACEMON 2017 workshop THERMAL COATINGS AGEING monitors THERME experiment principle: monitoring the temperature of the coating The ageing of a coating is measured by its solar absorptivity increase  Knowing the external environment seen by the coating and its temperature T given by THERME, it is possible to calculate its solar absorptivity αs evolution with time THERME on Demeter

SPACEMON 2017 workshop THERMAL COATINGS AGEING monitors THERME, a simple and a multi-missions experiment Host satellites which supplies only: Temperature sensors Heating line(s) (in option) Telemetry Simple, adjustable and robust definition Many versions of THERME (flexible or rigid for GEO) Dimension and number of samples adjustable to the constraint (~300 g: mass of a « rigid » sensor with 4 samples) Large qualification 20 years of flight heritage 32 flight sensors , 24 « flexible » versions and 8 « rigid » versions 113 tested samples of 28 different types 518 cumulated years of useful telemetry 2 industrial cooperations (Thalès & AirbusDS) / 2 international cooperations (Japan & Israel)

20 SPACEMON 2017 workshop Conclusions We have a lot of results using flight experiments not accessible from ground tests Only in flight all synergetic effects can affect our materials Each mission is a new lesson learned and give data's for future projects (choice and models) Level of optimization made our monitors very operational  Every flight opportunities and new cooperation's are welcome!

21 Thank for your attention
SPACEMON 2017 workshop Thank for your attention

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