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By Millie, Amelia, Rose and Thea

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Presentation on theme: "By Millie, Amelia, Rose and Thea"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Millie, Amelia, Rose and Thea

2 Why would you need to stay safe in winter?
It can be extremely slippery where there is a build up of ice. It’s darker so cars can’t see you, sometimes they have left over frost on their windscreens. Because pavements are slippery. If you’re cycling, it is easier to slip over and/or become out of control. Bright lights could be more distracting than when it is lighter. What else can you think of?

3 How do you get to school? Other Walking Cycling In a car
The school bus

4 What to do when there is snow!
Can you see the edge of the pavement when you are walking along it? The build up of ice under snow can be really slippery and very dangerous, especially black ice which is harder to see. Why do you think it takes cars longer to stop in snowy or icy conditions?

5 Staying warm and safe Ear muffs, hoods and hats can be comfortable and warm but can dull your sense of hearing, what do you think that means? Hearing is extremely vital for staying safe near and crossing roads. Why do you think this is? Electric cars are nearly silent; they are bad enough without covering your ears. However, they are very good for the environment so lots of people have or are thinking of buying one. What other hazards may you come across in the snow? Discuss it with the person next to you.


7 Where do you think it would be safe to cross roads in winter?
Somewhere where everyone can see you, try wearing bright clothing! Stay away from parked cars Look both ways before you cross Use a zebra, pelican, puffin or toucan crossings whenever it is possible Listen for cars, lorries, vans or other vehicles Take a torch with you, even if it’s not too dark; it can rapidly change.

8 What to wear Bright colours- preferably reflective Reflectors on bags
Light on your bike and helmet Torches Reflective dog leads and collars if you are planning to walk your dog


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