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Trends Good & Bad.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends Good & Bad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends Good & Bad

2 A Very Bad "Trend" This is not a trend.
Ferrari Just 349 Enzos were made between '02 and '03. All 349 were pre-sold to favored customers. This is not a trend. It's raw statistics for ONE product from ONE company! Need change over time!

3 Another bad trend According to a study done by the Freedonia group, the demand for reinforced plastics, which would be used in the creation of our helmets is to increase annually by 3%, and be at 4.2 billion pounds in the year 2005 This is a PREDICTION, not a fact! And MUCH too wordy

4 A valid trend, but too wordy
From 1998 – 2001 the number of firms in the bathtub manufacturing industry increased from 89-93 DOES get the message across, but see this version: # bathtub makers , up89-93

5 What's our point? Boil it down! Forget SENTENCES
That is: SIMPLIFY IT! (Remember KISS!)

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