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Unit 11: The Ordeal of Liberalism and the Rise of the New Right

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1 Unit 11: The Ordeal of Liberalism and the Rise of the New Right

2 Richard M Nixon The Economy – Stagflation Inflation and Recession
Deficit Spending and OPEC Yom Kippur War and Embargo First tried to fix inflation - Cut spending, raised interest rates, cut $ supply Later tried to help recession - Raised spending, cut interest rates, raised $ supply Welfare State - Dismantled OEO- Cut funding Civil Rights – Local Control - Refused to support busing or mandatory integration Rachel Carson and Silent Spring EPA – Clean Air and Clean Water Act

3 Nixon + Foreign Policy Vietnam – “Peace with Honor”
- Vietnamization – 60,000 Troops – Invasion of Cambodia - Pentagon Papers - Lt. William Calley + My Lai Massacre - Kent State- 5/4/ Students - Jackson State – 2 Students - January 27, 1973 – Cease Fire Agreement - Results – 58,000, $150 Billion - Fall of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to Communism - War Powers Act – limit power of president Détente – China 1971 - USSR – 1972 – Trade + SALT I

4 Watergate June 16, 1972 – Democratic National Headquarters – Watergate break-in Nixon claims it is a “Bizarre Incident” and is reelected in November Washington Post Reporters - CREEP Jan ‘73–Trials – James McCord’s Confession Special Prosecutor – Senate Investigation White House Tapes + Saturday Night Massacre Vice President Spiro Agnew Resigns US v. Nixon – Executive Privilege August 1974 – Tapes and Resignation Lessons Learned- Political Apathy

5 Ford and Carter: Domestic Problems
Gerald Ford ( ) and Jimmy Carter ( ) will leave Washington as two of the most unpopular presidents in US history. Both struggle with three things….. Trouble working with Congress: Ford and The Nixon Pardon, Carter + Washington Outsider - Gridlock Stagflation: Deficit Spending and OPEC - Ford: WIN (Whip Inflation Now), Cut Government Spending and Raised Interest Rates - Carter: First tried to help recession (Increased Government Spending, Cut Taxes); Then tried to help inflation (Cut Money Supply, Raise Interest Rates) - Energy Crisis: Camp David - Malaise Speech, Department of Energy and Alternate Sources

6 Ford and Carter: Failure of Detente
3. Foreign Policy Ford – Détente – Helsinki Accords Carter – Human Rights Diplomacy - Camp David Accords – Egypt and Israel - Panama Canal - Détente - SALT II Carter’s Downfall: - Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan – 1979 – SALT II and 1980 Olympics - Iranian Hostage Crisis: - Shah Pahlevi v. Ayatollah Khomeini - November 4, 1979 – US Embassy in Tehran – 52 Americans, 444 Days

7 Modern Party System Democratic Party: FDR, JFK, and LBJ (Liberal) – New Deal Coalition The Reagan Revolution and emergence of the new Republican Party and Conservatism: Religious Right: Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson (Moral) Business Conservatives- Tax Revolt (Econ) Neo-Conservatives – Strength and Pride in Foreign Policy (Détente and Vietnam) Ronald Reagan: Who is he? - Election of 1980 and 1984

8 Election of 1980: Reagan (R): 489 Carter (D): 49 Election of 1984: Reagan (R): 525 Mondale (D): 13

9 Republicans Democrats

10 2000 Electoral Map – Bush – 271, Gore - 266 2004 Electoral Map – Bush – 286, Kerry - 251 2008 Electoral Map – Obama - 365, McCain - 173 2012 Electoral Map – Obama - 332, Romney - 206


12 Ronald Reagan and the Economy
Conservative Economic Policy: Lower Taxes, Less government spending and regulation Supply-side Economics, Trickle Down Theory, Reaganomics – - Cut taxes by 25% - Downsizing and Budget Cuts - Food Stamps, Medicare, Unemployment, College Loans, school lunches, funding to state and local governments - Deregulation – EPA, Emissions, Safety, Civil Rights Economic Growth – Incomes up 15%, Unemployment 5.5% Causes: Reaganomics? Technology – Personal Computer? Social Problems – Urban Decay – Funding for state governments and welfare programs declines - AIDS, Homelessness, Crime, Drug Use, Poverty, etc.

13 Reagan and Foreign Policy
Tough Approach to USSR – “Evil Empire” - Containment and Reagan Doctrine – “Tear down this wall” - $1.5 Trillion Defense Spending and SDI (Star Wars) Involvement in Afghanistan, Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Grenada, and Libya Nicaragua – Iran-Contra Scandal – Sandinistas v. Contras – Oliver North - Teflon President - Trust of politicians and voter apathy 1985 – Gorbachev – Afghanistan and Weapons program – economic collapse –Glasnost and Perestroika – INF Treaty Overall Evaluation of Reagan’s Presidency: Positives – Economy + Cold War Criticisms - Social Problems, Iran-Contra, $2 Trillion Debt

14 George HW Bush Election of 1988 – Negative Campaign +Voter Apathy (50%) Foreign Policy – End of the Cold War – Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria have peaceful revolutions to overthrow communism - Germany – Berlin Wall comes down – country reunited – USSR dissolves - Russia – Boris Yeltsin American Foreign Policy - New World Order? Isolation, Economic Security, Human Rights, National Security? Multilateral v. Unilateral? China – Tiananmen Square Panama – Manuel Noriega and US Invasion

15 Persian Gulf War August 2, Iraq invades Kuwait – Threatens oil supply and stability in the Middle East United Nations - Economic Sanctions and January 15th Deadline for withdrawal January 16th – Operation Desert Storm February 23rd – 27th – Ground War Results: Less than 300 Casualties for Americans, 100,000 Iraqis, Kuwait liberated, Iraq? New World Order? - “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony. “

16 The Downfall of Bush and Election of Clinton
Domestic Policy - ‘no new taxes’ – Supply-side economics Recession – Unemployment 7% - budget deficits and national debt - cut government spending, raised taxes - Americans with Disabilities Act – 1990 – extended protection of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to those with disabilities - George Bush’s Popularity


18 Election of 1992 George H.W. Bush (R) – Popularity
Bill Clinton (D) – ‘It’s the Economy Stupid!’ Ross Perot - Independent The Results : Clinton – 43% Bush – 38% Perot – 19% - Spoiling the Election Mandate? – Voter Apathy?

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