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The Wyoming Craton is no longer a craton Part I

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1 The Wyoming Craton is no longer a craton Part I
Suzan van der Lee Craton = lithosphere with long-term stability

2 1997: 2005:






8 Heather Bedle and Suzan van der Lee
Wyoming, Part II Heather Bedle and Suzan van der Lee

9 Bedle & Van der Lee, includes early USArray data from W US, unpublished

10 Bedle & Van der Lee, unpublished

11 Bedle & Van der Lee, unpublished

12 Trevor Bollmann Brad Sageman, Craig Jones Suzan van der Lee
Wyoming, Part III Trevor Bollmann Brad Sageman, Craig Jones Suzan van der Lee

13 Motivation Overriding plate can flex and form foredeep.
WIB is a textbook flexural basin until it widens excessively. Flat Farallon “sucked” down a wide section of overriding plate (WIB).

14 Questions Does WIB widening coincide with a change in the pattern of volcanism? Does the crustal material beneath the basins have an effect on the depth/width of the WIB? Did the point of maximum subsidence stay constant or move with the Farallon plate over time? Was the flat Farallon slab beneath the WIB during its widening? Was a particular oceanic plateau beneath Wyoming when the WIB widened? Model sub-WIB slab fragments forwards in time and compare to tomography. Model tomography backwards in time to find segment placement in late Cretaceous

15 Sedimentation vs. Pattern of Volcanism
Cenomanian Turonian Coniacian-Santonian Campanian I Campanian II Maastrichtian Green circles: volcanism within the time period Blue dashed line: Sevier front (line of zero sedimentation)

16 WIB: Cumulative depocenters not significantly different from era depocenters.
Replaces hidden slide 15

17 Backwards modeling Shatsky Rise Conjugate (SRC)
Hess Rise Conjugate (HRC)

18 Add shapes of flat slab segment
SRC Add shapes of flat slab segment or oceanic plateau SRC tracks with Flat Slab box SRC tracks with Oceanic Plateau box

19 Add shapes of flat slab segment
SRC Add shapes of flat slab segment or oceanic plateau HRC tracks with Flat Slab box HRC tracks with Oceanic Plateau box

20 Turonian Slab Locations with Isopach
Flat Slab Oceanic Plateau

21 Coniacian-Santonian Slab Locations with Isopach
Flat Slab Oceanic Plateau

22 Campanian I Slab Locations with Isopach
Flat Slab Oceanic Plateau

23 Campanian II Slab Locations with Isopach
Flat Slab Oceanic Plateau

24 Maastrictian Slab Locations with Isopach
Flat Slab Oceanic Plateau

25 Forwards modeling Campanian I Depo-center 80 m.y.a
Campanian II Depo-center 75 m.y.a Point of Maximum Deposition in Campanian I Point of Maximum Deposition in Campanian I

26 Campanian I Depo-center
Forwards modeling Campanian II Depo-center

27 S362ANI+M (Vs km/s) - 1200 km depth
Location of modeled slab *This model is in velocity, not velocity difference from the background model like the previous examples.

28 GYPSUM (dVs %) - 1200 km depth
Location of modeled slab

29 Conclusions The point of maximum subsidence and deposition did not move significantly during the late Cretaceous. There are slab fragments that were beneath the basin at the right time to interact with the crust and deepen the basin. The Seton et al model is a better fit to the basins in the isopach A Flat Slab window sized slab seems to be a better spatial match to the isopachs Flat-slab fragments would have been effective at hydrating/metasomatizing the Wyoming lithosphere from below.

30 Further Work Needed (From others)
Recreate the regional isopachs using all available data The last were completed 20 years ago 3-D crustal flexural modeling Some 2-D modeling has been completed but 3-D with crustal properties from different provinces could be useful Plotting the reconstructed slab locations on a palinspastic reconstruction of North America Would change the locations shown earlier. How much is unclear.

31 References for workshop
Bedle, PhD thesis Carlson 2014 P. V. Doubrovine, B. Steinberger, and T. H. Torsvik. Absolute plate motions in a reference frame defined by moving hot spots in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B9), 2012. R. Dietmar Müller, J.-Y. Royer, and L. A. Lawver. Revised plate motions relative to the hotspots from combined atlantic and indian ocean hotspot tracks. Geology, 21:275, 1993. Hoffmann 1988 Kirschbaum and Rogers Porter et al. M. Seton, R. Müller, S. Zahirovic, C. Gaina, T. Torsvik, G. Shephard, A. Talsma, M. Gurnis, M. Turner, S. Maus, et al. Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200Ma. Earth-Science Reviews, 113(3):212–270, 2012. VdLee and Nolet JGR 1997 Gypsum Sigloch? (Shatsky Rise?)

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