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other specific properties.

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1 other specific properties.
By Vanessa de miguel puente5a.

2 HARDNESS. Hardness is the ability to resist scratches and cuts.
Diamond is a very hard material and chalk is a very soft material.

3 TOUGHNESS. Toughness is the ability to resist breaking.Steel
and granite are tough material.Glass and porcelain are fragile.

4 PLASTICITY. Plasticity is the ability to change shape
whithout breaking.

5 DUCTILITY. example:Gold.
We can stretch some materials called ductuliy.For example:Gold.

6 ELASTICITY. Some materials return to their original shape
this is called elasticity.For example:A sponge.

7 CONDUCTIVITY. Iron,conduct heat easily.They are thermal conductor. But wood are thermal insulators.

8 QUESTIONS. 1-What is the ability of hardness?
2-What materials are fragile? 3-What is the ability of plasticity? 4-What material are thermal conductors? 5-What material are thermal insulators?

9 ANSWERS. 1-The ability of hardness are resist scrachis and cuts.
2-There are fragile glass and porcelain. 3-The ability of plasticity change shape whithout breaking. 4-There is thermal conductor iron. 5- There is thermal insulators wood.


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