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Earth’s Land & Water Features

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Land & Water Features"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Land & Water Features
Complete the following based on pages 18-19

2 First take some time and study the map on page 18-19
Notice anything?

3 Answer the following on a piece of paper:
Make a list of all the physical features mentioned in the reading What features are mentioned in the Americas and Asia? What forces are mentioned as causes of these features? What is a submarine mountain & how do they appear on a map? What is a trench? What areas of the world have the highest elevation on the map? Which continent appears to the flattest? 8. Which continent appears to have the greatest amount of fresh water lakes?

4 Re-create the cross section in your notebook
Make a sketch of the world map with the red line through it on the bottom left corner of page 18 Draw the cross section on the bottom of page in your notebook (it doesn’t have to be exact) Be sure to label the highest and lowest points on your cross section

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