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PE 8th Grade Coach RicH.

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1 PE 8th Grade Coach RicH

2 Class Expectations 1. Follow Directions 2. Participate Fully 3. Ask to leave (Water, restroom break, nurse, office) 4. FUN.

3 Warm-up/Stretch 1.Students will walk into class and place backpacks against the bleachers. 2. Students will copy the word of the day in their planner 3. Once all students have copied and put planners away, teachers will check roll and students will then wait to quietly stretch. Stretch will consist of: right toe reach, left toe reach, middle reach, butterfly stretch, arm circle forward, arm circle backward, 10x push up, and 10x sit ups, all on the teachers command.

4 Stations While the students stretch, the teacher should have equipment at your disposal and set up four stations for the students to rotate at. The stations will consist of basketball, football, Frisbee and jump rope in the four corners of gym. Students will be grouped however the teacher wants ( numbering, by row, shirt color) and students will move to designated station without touching equipment in the corner or spot On the teachers command or whistle, students will play the activity in a orderly fashion, for 10 mins, then rotate. With 5 mins left in class, let the students clean equipment, and return to their assigned rows.

5 Station Expectations Participate Share equipment Have Fun!

6 Cool Down Once class is over, make sure students help out with clean up. This should be during the last 5-7 minutes of class Students should then get back in there assigned seats and cool down before the bell. (This would be a good opportunity to allow students to get water. Release Students at your command, not the bell.

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