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Communication Skills for Engineers

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Skills for Engineers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Skills for Engineers
The 5 Cs of Technical Communication January 20, 2006

2 Lecture Objectives The 5Cs – Characteristics of effective technical communication Identify Define Identify strategies Look at examples January 20, 2006

3 The 5 C’s of Technical Communication
Clarity Conciseness Concreteness Coherence Context January 20, 2006

4 CLARITY Structural (document level) Abstracts
Introductions (Scope & Objectives) Table of Contents Appropriate graphics Descriptive titles Subject headings January 20, 2006

5 CLARITY Stylistic Use simple, direct language
Do not overload your sentences Use precise, specific word choices January 20, 2006

6 CLARITY Grammatical Consider syntax Be aware of punctuation
Use active vs. passive verb forms January 20, 2006

7 CLARITY Contextual Use reporter questions – Who, What, Why, Where, How, When, Which Consider your audience/environment receiving the communication Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon January 20, 2006

8 CONCISENESS Document level
Narrow your focus/scope – clear intro & develop a detailed outline Use graphics – tables, graphs, photographs, diagrams, flowcharts, etc. Revise your writing The Mayfield handbook of technical and scientific writing - January 20, 2006

9 CONCISENESS Paragraph/sentence level Avoid Wordy expressions
Camouflaged words Repetition January 20, 2006

10 CONCRETENESS Technical accuracy Precision Accurate word choices
January 20, 2006

11 COHERENCE Document level Paragraph level
Provide a road map that link your ideas - abstract, introduction, problem statements Paragraph level Use a topic sentence and supporting sentences Repeat terms that link ideas logically Use transitional words to establish links between ideas January 20, 2006

12 COHERENCE Paragraph development patterns Definition Analysis
Exemplification Comparison and Contrast Description January 20, 2006

13 CONTEXT Define purpose Identify and analyse audience
Consider response/effect Consider ethical, safety, and legal implications January 20, 2006

14 Technical Communication Some Guidelines
Express NOT Impress Communicate NOT Confuse January 20, 2006

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