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Junior Transcript Review

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1 Junior Transcript Review
Spring 2019

2 Why Am I Here? To receive a copy of your student’s transcript
To learn what college admissions advisors see when they view your student’s transcript To learn what Grad Lab is and why your student may be in it To learn what Credit Appeal is and if your student needs it

3 The College Application Process
Ready Navigate Naviance Create a professional address Clean up social media Set Recommendation Letter Survey to Advisor (10 business days) Request Recommendation Letters from 2 Teachers Go Apply Common Ap (1 application. Link colleges & waive FERPA.) 4 icons indicate delivery method: = electronic delivery. = no electronic delivery: 1. Request transcript from Registrar, pick up from drawer, & mail. 2. Bring Ms. Forbes a preaddressed & stamped envelope. Advisor will print & mail written evaluation. ?

4 I Want Admissions Officers to See: Sample Transcript
In the CR column, you want to see: 0.5 1.0 You do not want to see: 0.0

5 This transcript needs polishing
0.0 is not always a bad thing. For example: Students who earned AP credit for 2 years of Spanish in middle school must be reseated in PIB Spanish 2 as freshmen. The 2nd time the student sits in Advanced Spanish 2 will show as 0.0

6 What is Grad Lab? Grad Lab is how students recover lost credits that are needed for graduation. GL may be needed because of poor attendance (NG). GL may be needed because of a failing grade. GL may take place during the school day (seated GL) or outside the school day (appears as 9th or 10th period on the student’s schedule) Students may earn Original Credit for courses needed for graduation, e.g. Government, Eco, and/or Health.

7 What is Credit Appeal? Got NG?
NG (no go/no grade) happens when a student earns a passing grade, but is awarded an NG instead because the student did not attend class a sufficient number of days to earn credit. CREDIT APPEAL is the process by which an NG may be replaced with the numeric grade earned. Credit Appeal can restore only those NGs earned in the immediately preceding semester. NGs more than 1 semester old, can only be cleared by retaking the course in Grad Lab. Students may apply to recover credit for NGs earned this semester in mid-September. NOTE: This means that NGs received this semester may not be removed from transcripts in time for college application! Go to class. For details, listen for PA announcements, LCTV, and look for posters in the hallways in mid-September.

8 Junior Deficit Letters



11 Junior Deficiency Letters
CMRRR Paragraph 1: Lost credit in fall 2018 grade under 70 Paragraph 2: Lost credit for fall 2018 NG/Attendance Paragraph 3: Historic 99s Paragraph 4: STAAR tests

12 How many credits does my student need to graduate?
This is a trick question. It’s not a matter of credits. Instead, it’s a matter of courses. At a bare minimum - disregarding the ib diploma, a 2nd endorsement, or a particular pathway – students must earn credit for following courses to graduate: hours of credit for English (Eng 1, Eng 2, Eng 3, Eng 4) 4.0 hours of credit for Math (Alg 1, Alg 2, Geom, PreCal or AQR) 4.0 hours of credit for Science (Bio, Chem, Physics, Science SL or Aqua Sci or Anatomy) 4.0 hours of credit Social Studies (Geography, World Hx, US Hx, Govt/Eco) 1.0 hour of credit for PE 1.0 hour of credit for Fine Art 2.0 hours of credit for LOTE/Foreign Language hours of credit for Health 5.5 hours of elective credit 26 credits minimum

13 Questions?

14 Thank you for coming!

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