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Presentation on theme: "MS M. ROSHO HONOURABLE MEC FOR DLG&HS"— Presentation transcript:


2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose of the Presentation Background
Delivery per month/quarter Delivery per municipality Mining Towns Title Deeds HDA Blocked projects & remedial work Key projects with high capacity contractors Key performance areas for intervention Status of Key Projects Work in Progress Intervention and Progress to date

The intention of this presentation is to brief the Portfolio Committee on the following: Progress made by the province in meeting it’s financial and non-financial targets for 2018/19 financial year. Intervention for Section 100 (1)(a) with specific key performance areas

The 7 Key Performance Areas of intervention are as follows: Preparation of 2019/20 business plan Multi-year human settlements development plan Appoint suitably qualified contractors Performance of appointed contractors – contract management Management of programmes and project performance Beneficiary management and Outreach Community Programmes Reposition of the department to become fit for purpose

The challenges identified that has affected the departmental performance are as follows: Poor performance by contractors and lack of capacity Slow responsiveness to Subsidy Administration Receipt of beneficiary lists from municipalities for new projects is slow Some beneficiaries reflect as benefitted on HSS but on the ground not Poor contract management Community unrests Lack of bulk infrastructure in municipalities Dolomitic conditions of the province restricts developmental areas Appointment of emerging contractors without providing technical support Delays in procurement processes

As part of the recovery process the following has been done: Department has appointed high capacity contractors and are already improving progress One on One process done to get commitment from those contractors Contract reviews done regularly to determine performance of contractors: Non performers are put to terms with strict monitoring measures Performing contractors are encouraged to accelerate performance Compressed delivery schedule entered into with appointed contractors Effective payment system Fast tracking the implementation of National Housing Needs Register Working with DHS to clean up HSS for approved beneficiaries who never benefitted Currently working with NHFC and DHS on an incubation plan to assist emerging contractors DHS has through intervention participated in all aspects on procurement process to assist where there are bottlenecks

As at the end of February 2019, the province had spent R which is 90% of its R annual budget allocation. There’s an under spending of R of the R transferred until 08 March 2019. The province has delivered 5544 housing units of the annual target of and 4631 sites of the annual target of 4453, and Pre and Post Title deeds transferred from the expected annual target.

Sites Completed Sites Planned Units Completed Units Planned Budget Expenditure Q1 607 774 908 2057 R R Apr 219 159 543 R R May 257 153 671 R R Jun 298 596 843 R R Q2 1251 2091 3550 R R Jul 367 911 1034 R R Aug 418 1214 R R Sep 466 813 1302 R R Q3 688 939 1871 2713 R R Oct 412 503 1069 R R Nov 319 736 915 R R Dec 208 632 729 R R Q4 1752 1489 674 2674 R R Jan 396 260 334 775 R R Feb 1356 470 340 834 R R Mar 759 1065 R R Grand Total 3266 4453 5544 10994 R R

Region SitesCompleted sitesplanned Units Completed Units Planned Budget Expenditure Bojanala Platinum District 1205 3245 R R Kgetlengrivier 104 99 R R Madibeng 481 1302 R R Moretele 284 500 R R Moses Kotane 262 570 R R Rustenburg 74 774 R R Dr Kenneth Kaunda District 699 2168 1332 2464 R R JB Marks 328 233 347 R R Maquassi Hills 1701 50 260 R R Matlosana 600 139 1049 1857 R R Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District 1122 1759 1790 2356 R R Greater Taung 341 527 R R Kagisano-Molopo 175 254 R R Lekwa-Teemane 406 1004 898 R R Mamusa 396 897 130 496 R R Naledi 726 456 140 181 R R Ngaka Modiri Molema District 1445 526 921 2829 R R Ditsobotla 1265 68 88 R R Mahikeng 250 936 R R Ramotshere Moiloa 319 430 R R Ratlou 80 416 R R Tswaing 180 204 959 R R North West Provincial 296 100 R R Grand Total 3266 4453 5544 10994 R R

10 MINING TOWNS SUMMARY Mining Town Sites Completed Sites Planned
Units Completed Units Planned Budget Expenditure Kgetlengrivier 104 99 R R Madibeng 481 1302 R R Matlosana 600 139 1049 1857 R R Moses Kotane 262 570 R R Rustenburg 74 774 R R Grand Total 1970 4602 R R

11 TITLE DEEDS Title Deeds:
title deeds were transferred to new home owners 3 726 were transferred to homeowners on the post-1994 programme Pre-1994, 96 title deeds were transferred in Madikwe, Mabopane and Mogwase (North West Housing Corporation). HSS Data Beneficiary Cleanup: The Department has already embarked on the 1st phase to eradicate the backlog of unconfirmed failed searches, received and sent for initial searches, verified but on hold status in the quest to clean up the HSS database failed searches were confirmed with 691 remaining.

The Department has in 2017/18 financial year transferred R to the Housing Development Agency. Funding at HDA was lost to National Treasury and the department has budgeted for those projects in the HSDG business plan The Department will take over all incomplete projects from HDA in the 2019/20 FY and implement them directly The progress on the projects is indicated in the following slide:

Project Name Service provider appointment values Budget 2018/19fy Project scope of work Actual Total Expenditure Year to Date Remaing Budget amount to complete the project Projections for December 20 Projections for Jan -March 2019 Projected Expenditure on 31/03/2019 Challenges Mitigation Scope of Work Financial Projections Project Issues Coligny/Thlabologang Ext 8 R ,08 R ,40 Design & installation of 1528 serviced stands R ,01 R ,07 R ,20 R ,87 R ,08 Budget shortfall to fund bulk infrastructure Additional funding request of R made to the Province Stella Internal Reticulation R ,00 R ,00 Design & installation of 700 serviced stands R ,49 R ,51 R ,51 R ,00 R ,00 Relocation of 15 pit latrin toilets on the way for services. Project team in the process of resolving this challenge . No additional funding will be required for this exercise Sunway Bulk Sewer R ,41 R ,00 Design & construction of 6.3km bulk sewer & pump station R ,13 R ,28 R0,00 R ,13 Budget shortfall of R5,180, and one landowner refusing to sign consent form for servitude rights The landowner is being engaged and the issue will be escalated to the Local municipality for a resolution on possible action (expropriatin) Bokamoso Catalytic Project R ,00 Construction of 1600 top structures R ,00 R ,00 R ,80 R ,00 R ,80 Geotechnical variation claim (R ) submitted to Province as a result of prevailing geo-technical conditions on site. All contractors are back on-site and commenced with works while a definitive additional funding request based on this is awaited from the Province. Marikana Bulk & Sewer Services R ,00 Planning phase - construction of bulk sewer & water and serviced stands R 0,00 Township establishment approvals have been put on hold as a result of land invasions requiring a revised layout plan Lonmin has commmitted to refly the area to remap the layout and work jointly with all stakeholders to resolve the repegging of the already occupied sites. Matlosana N12 West Catalytic Project: Schoonspruit Outfall Sewer Pipeline R ,21 R ,00 Upgrading of 10.35km Schoonspruit outfall sewer pipeline R ,16 R ,05 The funds to complete the project are now seating with Matlosana Local Municipality Contractor is experiencing massive cashflow problems due to non payment, and the Contractor has suspended the works and have submitted a claim. HDÄ is now playing a Project Manager role, funds have been transferred directly to Municipality for payments HDÄ to get copy of the IP signed between the Province and the Municipality for cost control purposes and financial reports Matlosana N12 West Catalytic Project: Bulk Water Pipeline from Alabama Reservoir R ,21 Construction of 4.57km bulk water pipeline R ,08 R ,13 Matlosana N12 West Catalytic Project: Extension 3, 5 and 6 R ,35 R ,00 Design & installation of 653 serviced stands R ,39 R ,96 Total R ,26 R ,40 R ,00 R ,51 R ,87 R ,01

14 BLOCKED PROJECTS The Department has in the current financial year prioritised the unblocking of blocked projects during the mid-term budget review. The priority areas are within all four regions i.e. Dr RSM, NMM, Bojanala and Dr KK The projects are various stages of implementation i.e. Procurement and Construction. The breakdown of projects per region are as follows:

15 BLOCKED - DR RSM REGION Municipality Project No. Project Name
Number of subsidies Foundation & Structural Demolitions Vacant Stands Rectification Estimated Budget for the Project No of Foundations No of Structures Estimated Budget Amount No of Vacant Stands No of Str to be Rectified Mamusa B Amalia DDIS 100 9 17 R ,08 3 R ,00 16 R ,36 R ,44 Lekwa Teemane Utlwanang Hostels 24 R0,00 R 0,00 R ,04 B /1 Christiana 600 129 153 R ,48 164 R ,44 R ,92 B Utlwanang EXT 2 DDIS 150 25 R ,00 52 R ,00 31 R ,01 R ,01 B Boitumelong EXT 3 & 4 500 28 98 R ,36 46 R ,00 244 R ,24 R ,60 B Boitumelong EXT 1 1000 18 159 R ,16 66 R ,00 324 R ,04 R ,20 B Utlwanang 390 155 R ,04 14 R ,00 216 R ,36 R ,40 Kagisano Molopo B Kagisano Rural Housing 1600 305 R ,60 R ,00 951 R ,21 R ,81 B /1 Utlwanang (152) 200 79 80 R ,48 R ,13 R ,61 TOTAL 4564 610 967 R ,20 486 R ,00 1973 R ,83 R ,03

Municipality Project No. Project Name Number of subsidies Foundation & Structural Demolitions Vacant Stands Rectification Estimated Budget for the Project No of Foundations No of Structures Estimated Budget Amount No of Vacant Stands No of Str to be Rectified Ditsobotla B /1 Ditsobotla Villages 402 22 1 R ,31 21 R ,00 R ,31 Ratlou B Disaneng 128 R ,76 179 R ,00 95 R ,07 R ,83 Logageng 200 63 R ,00 R ,00 R 0,00 R ,00 Mafikeng B /1 Mafikeng Madibe Womens Build 73 41 10 R ,62 R ,00 R ,62 Ramotshere B /1 Kruisrivier Womens build 7 R ,84 27 R ,00 4 R ,44 R ,28 Madibogo 572 R80 349,12 2 R ,00 370 R ,48 R ,60 Makgobistad 400 40 R ,14 58 R ,00 84 R ,30 R ,44 Tswaing B Letsopa Ext 1 & 2 862 6 501 R ,00 605 R ,00 R ,00 TOTAL 2984 109 712 R ,79 956 R ,00 553 R ,29 R ,08

17 BLOCKED - BOJANALA Municipality Project No. Project Name
Number of subsidies Foundation & Structural Demolitions Vacant Stands Rectification Estimated Budget for the Project No of Foundations No of Structures Estimated Budget Amount No of Vacant Stands No of Str to be Rectified Moretele B /1 Maubane 367 72 R ,64 140 R ,00 111 R ,90 R ,54 B /1 Mogogelo 429 173 R ,76 R ,00 164 R ,75 R ,51 B /1 Greenside 206 90 R ,80 98 R ,00 108 R ,00 R ,80 Kgetleng B Reagile 1135 1 R80 349,12 24 R ,00 538 R ,38 R ,50 B /1 382 33 R ,00 158 R ,02 R ,14 B Bororelo 440 13 R ,00 213 R ,25 R ,37 B /1 500 2 R ,24 80 R ,00 143 R ,90 R ,14 Madibeng B Lethabong 2100 187 R ,00 570 R ,45 R ,57 B /1 Madibeng Letlhabile Block I,G,F,E,C 768 17 R ,56 R 0,00 40 R ,40 R ,96 Lethlabile PHP 70 R ,56 5 R ,00 R ,56 TOTAL 6397 R ,04 761 R ,00 2050 R ,05 R ,09

Municipality Project No. Project Name Number of subsidies Foundation & Structural Demolitions Vacant Stands Rectification Estimated Budget for the Project No of Foundations No of Structures Estimated Budget Amount No of Vacant Stands No of Str to be Rectified Matlosana B Kanana Ext 3&5 1250 17 R ,00 39 R ,00 496 R ,05 R ,05 B Kanana Ext 6 2716 3 R ,00 21 R ,00 1007 R ,78 R ,78 B Kanana Ext 7 124 1 R ,12 11 R ,00 49 R ,50 R ,62 B Kanana Ext 12 764 5 R ,12 41 R ,00 226 R ,63 R ,75 B Khuma 1,3,4&5 168 2 R ,24 14 R ,00 47 R ,80 R ,04 2007 Matlosana Disaster 174 22 R ,00 55 R ,00 111 R ,05 R ,05 Tlokwe B /1 Potchefstroom Ikageng Ext 4 492 8 R ,00 69 R ,00 R 0,00 R ,00 B Mosa Con Ikageng Ext 11 13 R ,00 24 R ,00 416 R ,05 R ,05 Ventersdorp B Ventersdorp Tshing 1795 R0,00 31 R ,00 TOTAL 7483 4 71 R ,48 305 R ,00 R ,86 R ,34

PROJECTS DESCRIPTION DEVELOPERS EXPECTED EXPENDITURE BY END MARCH Blydeville Ext 4 (Services) Meron Construction R ,00 Maseno General Trade R ,00 Ipelegeng Ext 8 (Services) TN Molefe R ,00 TS Construction R ,00 Ipelegeng Ext 9 (Services) Motheo Construction R ,00 Somandla R ,00 Bloemhof Ext 11 & 12 (Services) MMOPA Construction R ,00 Lesedi Civil Construction Thobile M Building Construction R ,00 Wolmaranstad Ext 17 & 18 (Services) Barzani Development R ,00 Rulaganyang (Services) Thavhani R ,00 Lebaleng Ext 6 (Services) R ,00 Alabama Ext 4 (Units) Tigane Developers R ,00 R ,00

Intervention Description Key Actions (Activities) Expected Output Completion Progress Report PREPARE 2018/19 and 2019/20 DELIVERY BUSINESS PLANS Finalisation of a Compliant 2018/19 business plan for the Human Settlements Development Grant Approved 2018/19 HSDG Business Plan 29-Jun-18 Completed Finalisation of a Compliant 2018/19 business plan for the Title Restoration Grant MULTI-YEAR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Land assembly plan Approved 3 year land assembly plan 30-Nov-18 In progress. Housing Development Agency is contracted to facilitate the preparation of this plan Human Settlements projects pipeline (IRDP/UISP/PHP/Rental) Approved MTEF Human Settlements projects pipeline In progress to appoint a service provider to review the plan. 1. IRDP 2. UISP Upgrading plans for Dr RSM NMM and are underway 3. PHP 4. Rental The Multiyear Housing Development Plan is being updated Spatial transformation and consolidation plan 1. Provincial HS master spatial plan Draft Spatial plan pending consultation Revitalisation of distressed mining communities Provincial programme of revitalisation of distressed mining communities 31-Oct-18 Finalised. Implementation Protocol with Municipalities signed Unlock projects that are blocked, incomplete or slow-moving Programme for activation of blocked projects 30-Jul-18 Assessment finalised and projects prioritised for implementation from current financial year Undertake remedial works on defective or poorly built subsidy homes Programme to remedy defective home 31-Aug-18 Defective houses identified; **

Intervention Description Key Actions (Activities) Expected Output Completion Progress Report APPOINT SUITABLY QUALIFIED AND CAPABLE CONTRACTORS (CIDB GRADED & NHBRC REGISTERED) Prepare and advertise BID with appropriate specifications for the appointment of suitably qualified contractors to a panel for 3 years Advertised BID for appointment of contractors 30-Jul-18 Advert complete Evaluation, adjudication and appointment of suitably of qualified contractors to a panel for 3 year Appointment of suitably qualified contractors to a DLG & HS panel 30-Sep-18 Database finalised and in use Prepare a framework for the sustainable participation of small and emerging contractors in HS delivery projects Approved framework for the participation of small and emerging contractors 30-Oct-18 Draft plan developed PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTORS APPOINTED TO DELIVER HOUSING AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PRODUCTS & SERVICES Enhance contract and performance management Approved framework for contract management Work in progress. BENEFICIARY MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Develop a management system (dashboard) and procedures for programmes and projects management to optimize annual delivery for housing opportunities Approved system and procedures for programme and project management Work in progress Implement the national housing needs register Compliant provincial chapter of the national housing needs register 15-Feb-19 In progress Administrative reconciliation of beneficiaries and delivered product Approved framework for administrative reconciliation of beneficiaries to delivered products In progress on a case by case basis. A comprehensive plan has been prepared Prepare and implement a community outreach programme Approved and implemented community outreach programme Ongoing and Communications unit is driving the process

Intervention Description Key Actions (Activities) Expected Output Completion Progress Report REPOSITION THE DEPARTMENT TO BECOME FIT FOR PURPOSE Finalise the organisational structure Approved macro organisational structure 30-Jul-18 Final draft Macro structure prepared for consultation with OTP and DPSA Migrate personnel into the approved organisational structure Complete migration 31-Oct-19 Pending approval of Organisational Structure Fill vacant positions Reduce vacancy to prescribed range 31-Mar-19 Advertised positions pending approval of Organisational Structure Review and align the SLA of the appointed service provider (PMU) Aligned PMU SLA to objectives of the Intervention Underway. The scope of work for the PMU is managed jointly between the NDHS and the PDLG&HS.

23 STATUS OF KEY PROJECTS Rustenburg accreditation : Process not finalised yet CRU Mafikeng : Due to flouting of processes by municipality, 50 units of 100 are illegally occupied. Matlosana CRU : All 100 units are occupied Rustenburg Meriting Ext 4 & 5 : Eskom is not responsive to our request to carry cost of relocation and rebuild of 54 structures built under electricity pylons. Assistance of the committee was requested to engage the relevant committee.

24 WORK IN PROGRESS – Feb 2019 Milestone Beneficiaries Amount
Foundations no wallplate 566 R Wall Plates 618 R Finishes no completion 641 R TOTAL R

25 PROGRESS TO DATE Implementation Protocol signed between Minister and MEC Intervention Steering Committee setup and chaired by the DG Technical Working Team established and chaired by DDG



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