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Mental Health for Law Enforcement

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1 Mental Health for Law Enforcement
Coping with Stress (Excerpt)

2 Handle Stress AVOID UNNECESSARY STRESS + Learn how to say “No”
Know your capability limits in what you can accomplish via your skill and time limits. + Avoid people who create stress If you have a friend who is constantly creating drama, you may need new friends. + Control your environment Learn to control your environment when possible to avoid stressful places. Go to the store when it is off-peak hours.

3 Handle Stress ALTER YOUR SITUATION + Express your feelings
Talk about what is stressful with your spouse, friend or other nonjudgemental person. + Compromise Be willing to accept suggestions or ideas from others if you are asking the same. + Be assertive. Don’t let issues fester. Deal with problems head-on. + Time Management

4 Handle Stress ADAPT TO THE STRESSOR + Reframe problems.
Stuck in traffic? Think of it as a way to take time to listen to music, pray or call an old friend. + Look at the big picture. Does it matter in the long run? Will you care in a year, month, day what was said in the locker room? + Adjust your standards. Set reasonable standards. If you are constantly disappointed by your job, perhaps you should re-examine what your expectations.

5 Handle Stress ACCEPTANCE + Can’t control the uncontrollable
Other people’s behavior you can address but can’t force change. + Look for the upside Look for silver lining in life. New partner is a pain, but it’ll help with a promotion. + Learn to forgive. Grudges only hurt the one holding the grudge. Learn to forgive or at least give someone a second chance. Handle Stress

6 Handle Stress MAKE TIME FOR FUN + Set aside time to relax
Make the first fifteen minutes after getting home time for you to unwind. + Connect with others Facebook, church, bowling leagues; find a group that you can bond with. + Do something that you enjoy EVERY DAY! Every day you should include something that you enjoy doing for at least 30 minutes. Read, play a game, watch soap operas, listen to Backstreet Boys. Handle Stress

7 Handle Stress ADOPT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE + Exercise regularly
30 minutes of exercise is recommended at least three days per week. Play ball, jog…avoid weights. + Eat healthy Lien Hot Pockets are probably not your friend. Multiple small meals are better than huge portions. + Reduce caffeine Make the coffee stretch a little longer. + Sleep Most adults need 6 – 8 hours for peak performance. Handle Stress

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