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NSPII Director’s Meeting 3/8/2019 Lisa A

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1 NSPII Director’s Meeting 3/8/2019 Lisa A
NSPII Director’s Meeting 3/8/2019 Lisa A. Seldomridge, PhD, RN, CNE Judith M. Jarosinski, PhD, RN Tina P. Reid, EdD, RN Beverly Payne, BA Brad Hauck, MHS

2 Agenda ES-FAMI and what we do What’s new? Over the Bridge Expansion
FAMI of Central MD FAMI of Western MD Re-envisioned Group Mentoring Initiative Mentorship Focus Groups

3 What We Do Prepare expert nurse clinicians to become educators.
Increase the diversity of available part-time clinical faculty. Encourage educational advancement of Academy graduates. Create a database of available part-time faculty for Maryland. Successfully preparing clinicians for adjunct teaching positions since 2011.

4 Over the Bridge Expansion
Towson University identified as partners for first satellite location. First satellite academy held in August 2018. Allegany College of Maryland, Hood College, Frostburg State University, and University System of Maryland at Hagerstown named as partners for the second satellite location. Previous amendment scheduled one academy per fiscal year per satellite location. New expansion efforts will double the number of academies at each satellite locations every year. Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

5 Over the Bridge Expansion
New program changes increase participants from 40 to 70 at satellite academy locations. Total of 11 academies scheduled in FY19 and FY20, increased from 4 in original ESFAMI grant. Fiscal Year ESFAMI- Salisbury University location- 2 academies FAMI of Central MD- Towson University location – 2 academies FAMI of Western MD- Hagerstown location – 1 academy Fiscal Year ESFAMI- Salisbury University – 2 academies FAMI of Central MD – Towson University – 2 academies FAMI of Western MD – Hagerstown – 2 academies Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

6 FAMI of Central Maryland- Towson University
Launched at Towson University in with 10 graduates August 15-September 12, 2018. Due to success, further academies were added as follows: Second academy scheduled for March 2019. Third academy scheduled for July/August 2019. Fourth academy scheduled for Spring 2020. Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

7 FAMI of Western Maryland – USM Hagerstown
New partnership with Allegany College of Maryland, Frostburg State University, Hood College, and University System of Maryland Higher Education Campus, with continued support from Towson University. First academy May 15 – June 12th at USMH Campus in Hagerstown, MD Second academy scheduled for Fall 2019 Third academy scheduled for Spring 2020. Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

8 Re-envisioned Group Mentoring Activities
Funding needed to support additional statewide academies. ESFAMI administrative team determined that most cost-effective option was to re-envision the mentorship experience. One to one mentorship will be phased out and group mentoring activities will be integrated into all future academies. Group mentorship activities had been part of original ESFAMI program from Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

9 Group Mentorship Improvements
Group mentoring activities will take place during the final academy night, called the Mentorship Night Activities will replace the explanation of the structure and responsibilities of the one to one mentorship. Will incorporate the best activities from one to one mentorship-what to look for in a mentor, individual VARK analysis, and resources on finding mentors among other group activities. Continue to facilitate “shadowing” experiences with experienced faculty. Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

10 Mentorship Focus Groups
Data collection with current one to one mentorship participants will continue until their 1 year commitment is complete. At the end of the mentorship focus groups in 2020, we will have data on over 100 mentorship participants, or more than 50+ mentor pairs. Findings from focus groups about the mentorship experience will be analyzed and results disseminated when available. Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

11 Partner/Affiliate Benefits
Access to our database of academy completers that have been specifically trained as adjunct clinical faculty members, located right in your area! Potential to have one of your faculty teach in an academy to provide participants with detailed information about your school. Help recruit applicants for academies located in your region, can send current adjuncts who are new/need additional training! Offer shadowing experiences for academy graduates interested in teaching for your program! Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

12 Questions? Interested in being a partner with ESFAMI or offering shadowing experiences? Contact Bradley Hauck Adapted from established 16-hour curriculum (Health Alliance of Mid America LLC 2008); at first meeting, obtained consent for videorecording and to use survey data for research presentations

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