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Journal Entry 9 Newton’s Laws of Motion

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1 Journal Entry 9 Newton’s Laws of Motion

2 Newton’s First Law of Motion: An object will maintain its velocity (speed & direction) unless acted on by a nonzero net force. Newton’s first law of motion describes the inertia of an object. An object’s tendency to maintain its current state of motion is it’s inertia.

3 Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: The NET FORCE acting on an object is the product of its mass & acceleration. Fnet = ma When an object has zero net force acting on it, it is in equilibrium. Equilibrium has two conditions: Constant Velocity OR Constant Rest Both mean ZERO ACCELERATION

4 There are TWO ways to determine the magnitude of the net force: Fnet = ma Fnet = Sum of All forces These two expressions can be set equal to each other: ma = Sum of All Forces Fnet = ma = F1 + F2 + …

5 Newton’s Third Law: Forces always exist in pairs
Newton’s Third Law: Forces always exist in pairs. For every force, there is a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction. Sometimes stated as: For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force. Important: FORCE PAIRS MUST ACT ON DIFFERENT OBJECTS!


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