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Developing Assertive Skills" Developing Assertive Skills" "Developing Assertive Skills" Sexual Harassment at workplace Nepal.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Assertive Skills" Developing Assertive Skills" "Developing Assertive Skills" Sexual Harassment at workplace Nepal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Assertive Skills" Developing Assertive Skills" "Developing Assertive Skills" Sexual Harassment at workplace Nepal Administrative Staff College April, 2019, Sharu Joshi

2 Some Concepts Gender Equality: Formal vs Substantive
Sexuality Right vs Sexual Violence Sexual expression positive and Negative SH a form Gender Based Violence SH and gender ( male aggressive, female submissive , property) Consent vs Consent with power relation

3 Gender Equality Journey
Global: 109 years journey 1911 – 2019 Male Network, Me To0 Campaign, 95% CEOs are men SDG: Ending VAW by 2030 National: Constitution/Federal System 41% women at local level governance Substantive Equality is a challenge

4 of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] kl/efiff
dlxnf jf k'?ifsf] ;Ddfgdf cf3ft kfg]{ of}ghGo Jojxf/ jf of}gdf cfwfl/t cGo Jojxf/, h'g To:tf] Jojxf/df kg]{ JolQmnfO{ cgOlR5t, cg'lrt / kL8fbfoL x'G5 . s'g} Jojxf/ h;sf] c:jLsf/ jf :jLsf/f]QmL pQm JolQmsf] hfuL/sf] lg0f{o ;DaGwdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf c;/ kfb{5 . To:tf] Jojxf/df h;n] JolQmnfO{ eoo'Qm, clk|o jf k|lts"n sfo{:ynsf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ub{5 .

5 of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ eg]sf] s] xf] <
of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ eg]sf] of}ghGo k|s[ltsf] clglR5t sfo{ xf] h'g kL8fo'Qm, nHhfhgs, eoo'Qm / clk|o tyf slxn]sflx+ o;n] sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{Ifdtf, :jf:Yo cj:yf / hLljsfkfh{gdf ;d]t c;/ kfb{5 . of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ eg]sf] s] xf]Og < Ps csf{k|lt cfslif{t b'O{ JolQmx?aLrsf] ;xdtLk"0f{ of}ghGo ultljlwx? of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ xf]Og . cfk;L cfsif{0f jf ldqtf;Fu b'Jo{jxf/sf] s'g} ;DaGw 5}g .



8 Conceptual Framework Welcome vs unwelcome sexual offence
Consensual relation at workplace Forms of Sexual harassment Body mapping (meditation and Mapping) Fantasy and fantasy control Crossing the boundaries sexual harassment Fantasy Resolution Communicate uncomfortable Need to learn when their advances are unwelcome/ become aware about sexual boundaries/comfort zone Incorrect assumption can cause serious misunderstanding Sexual expression at work place ( should not confuse with business etiquette vs social etiquette) Sexual in nature, misuse of power

9 Legal Framework Formal vs informal sector Definition
Mechanism/procedure Quasi Judicial action Third party accountability Non Reprisal Evidences Preventive measures

10 dlxnf lj?4 lx+;f Ps :j?k of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] kl/efiff
dlxnfsf] dfgj clwsf/ / df}lns :jtGqtfsf] k|of]udf z"Gotf jf Ifltsf] l:ylt lghL tyf ;fj{hlgs If]qdf lx+;fsf] dfGotf sfd ug]{ 7fpFdf klg lx+;f x'G5 t/ lx+;fnfO{ ;lxG5, t/ xfn cfP/ o;nfO{ nf~5gf eGbf klg lx+;fsf] :j?ksf] dfGotf . dlxnfsf] ;'/Iffsf] k|Zg of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] kl/efiff dlxnf jf k'?ifsf] ;Ddfgdf cf3ft kfg]{ of}ghGo Jojxf/ jf of}gdf cfwfl/t cGo Jojxf/, h'g To:tf] Jojxf/df kg]{ JolQmnfO{ cgOlR5t, cg'lrt / kL8fbfoL x'G5 . s'g} Jojxf/ h;sf] c:jLsf/ jf :jLsf/f]QmL pQm JolQmsf] hfuL/sf] lg0f{o ;DaGwdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf?kdf c;/ kfb{5 . To:tf] Jojxf/df h;n] JolQmnfO{ eoo'Qm, clk|o jf k|lts"n sfo{:ynsf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ub{5 .

11 lje]bsf] :j?k xf] . (Discrimination)
bjfjsf] :j?k xf] . (Oppression) zf]if0fsf] :j?k xf] . (Exploitation) of}lgstf / of}lgstfsf] cleJolQm, clwsf/ xf] eg] of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ lx+;f xf] . c;'/lIft / c:j:y sfd ug]{ jftfj/0fn] dlxnfnfO{ xtf]T;flxtsf] jftfj/0f ;[hgf ub{5 . c;'/Iffsf] cg'dfgdf sfdaf6 jlGrt

12 of]ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] k|s[ltx?
zf/Ll/s Ozf/fn] efjgfTds df}lvs n]v]/ jf lrqåf/f

13 of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] k|s[lt
df}lvs JolQmTj, z/L/, >[+uf/, n'uf cflbsf af/]df clglR5t of}ghGo l6Kk0fLx? æltd|f] n'uf cToGt ;]S;L 5Æ æltdLn] of] eGbf cem 5f]6f] n'uf nufPsf] emg} ;'xfpF5Æ æltd|f xftx? Hofb} ;'Gb/ 5, o;nfO{ sfd u/]/ v/fa gu/Æ æd]/f] ljrf/df ltdLn] cfkm'nfO{ ;'Gb/ b]vfpgsf nflu w]/} k};f vr{ ug]{ u5f}{Æ æclZnn r'6lsnfx?Æ æn}lËs k|s[ltsf] cfwf/df ckdfghgs l6Kk0fLx?Æ

14 zf/Ll/s O;f/f -xfpefp_ lnlvt÷clZnntf k|bz{g
z/L/sf] c+ux? 5'g', 58\sf] cfFvfn] x]g'{, 9f8 yKykfpg], c+ufnf] dfg'{, skfn rnfpg' O;f/f -xfpefp_ cfFvf lemDsfpg', xftn] clZnn O;f/f ug'{ lnlvt÷clZnntf k|bz{g gUg z/L/sf] t:jL/ 6]a'ndf 5f]8\g' of}ghGo k|lqmofsf t:jL/x? agfpg'

15 g]kfndf df}lvs / zf/Ll/s k|s[ltsf b'Jo{jxf/x. Hofbft/ x'g] ub{5
g]kfndf df}lvs / zf/Ll/s k|s[ltsf b'Jo{jxf/x? Hofbft/ x'g] ub{5 . (SH at the Work Place in Nepal for ILO 2004) g]kfndf of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] ljBdfgtf $* k|ltzt dlxnf sfdbf/ sd{rf/Lx?n] cfkm"n] of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] cg'ej u/]sf] atfP . !$ k|ltztn] cfkm"n] cg'ej gu/]sf] t/ To:tf] Jojxf/ sfo{:yndf x'g] u/]sf] atfP . xf]6n !(=$Ü, ljBfno÷sn]h !(=$Ü jfo' ;]jf !(=$Ü, un}Frf !^Ü tof/L kf];fs c:ktfn

16 of}ghGo Jojxf/sf sf/s tTjx?
n}lËs lje]b , of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/nfO{ dxTjk"0f{ ljifosf] ?kdf dfGotf glbg' cf}krfl/s tyf cgf}krfl/s ;+oGqsf] cefj zlQm ;DaGw , c:j:y sfd ug]{ jftfj/0f dlxnfnfO{ j:t'sf] ?kdf x]l/g] , r]tgfsf] sdL of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ lx+;f xf] eGg] dfGotfsf] sdL ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts, dfGotf d"No , sdhf]/ cfly{s l:yt dlxnfsf] ;zlQms/0fsf] cefj , of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/sf] gfOF eGg g;Sg] jf /f]Sg g;Sg] of}ghGo Jojxf/sf sf/s tTjx?

17 kLl8tdf kg]{ c;/ ;+:yfdf kg]{ c;/ :jf:Yo ;d:of, hfuL/ u'dfpg'
tna j[l4af6 jlGrt, cfly{s k/lge{/tf ;fdflhs nf~5gf, kfl/jfl/s ;DaGwdf Jojwfg sfd ug]{ ;DaGw, JolQm ljsf;÷a9'jf gx'g' /f]huf/Lsf cj;/x?af6 jlGrt ;+:yfdf kg]{ c;/ pTkfbgzLntf tyf gfkmfdf sdL , cf}Bf]lus ;DaGw zLko'Qm dfgjLo ;|f]taf6 jlGrt, sfdbf/ sd{rf/Lx?aLr k|lt:kwf{Tds efjgfsf] sdL vr{df j[l4

18 Responsibility of Employer
Incorporate sexual harassment as misconduct in the employee/worker's regulation in the enterprises Sexual harassment should be included as misconduct in the employee/worker's regulation with a provision of compensation to victims and actions to perpetrators. Establish an accessible and confidential Inquiry Procedure Institutions need to establish inquiry procedure, which is simple, effective and confidential so that victim will be encouraged to report and use the access to justice.

19 No reprisal against reporting
Inquiry Committee should include more women The inquirey committee need to comprise more women to consisting of at least one woman, a gender sensitive person, respected member of management and one psychologist. No reprisal against reporting Employer's should not discourage reporting of sexual harassment cases and guarantee no reprisal against reporting. Disseminate information to employees Employer's should ensure staffs are informed of all options for resolving the complaints.

20 Responsibility of Victim or Harassed
Say no to sexual harassment Victim should tell the harasser that his/her behaviour is unwelcome. The harasser may stop once he knows that his behavior is unwelcome. Keep a record of harassment Record the details of when, where and how the incidents happened, this will make your case clear and give you confidence to report. Select a witness Share with someone you trust and willing to be a witness the incidence of sexual harassment, this gives you support for reporting the harassment.

21 Responsibility of Civil Society
Create awareness against sexual harassment Awareness against sexual harassment needs to be raised significantly as there is a serious lack of knowledge on the issue of sexual harassment in the country. Support the victims of sexual harassment Victims coming for counseling, legal action or for advice should be given support from the NGOs working to address violence against women.

22 Advocate for law and policy against sexual harassment
Civil society also needs to push for developing laws and policies Conduct training/programmes against sexual harassment Training programmes need to be conducted to equip employers and employees deal with sexual harassment.

23 Responsibility of Government
Enact Laws and polices against sexual harassment Sexual harassment on laws and policies needs to be enacted. Monitoring Labour offices and other institutions needs to monitor the employment conditions of emplyees/workers/Trade Union. Research

24 sfo{:yndf x'g] of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ sfg'g @)&!
sfg'gsf] p2]Zo ;'/lIft, :jR5 / dof{lbt jftfj/0fdf sfd ug{ kfpg] JolQmsf] g};lu{s clwsf/nfO{ ;'lglZrt ug{] . sfo{ :yndf x'g] of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/nfO{ lgjf/0f ug]{ . sfg'gsf] If]qlwsf/ ;/sf/L lgsfo÷skf]{/];g÷kmd{, lgsfo, ;+ul7t ;+:yf, sDkgL of}ghGo b'Jo{jxf/ dflgg of}g hGo cfzon z/L/df 5f]Pdf jf 5'g] k|of; u/]df clZnn lrq, klqsf ;fdu|L, k|ljlw k|bz{g u/]df n]v]/, af]n]/, Ozf/fn] clZnn cfzo k|s6 u/]df of}ghGo k|:tfj /fv]df of}ghGo cfzon] lh:sfPdf jf x}/fgL u/]df

25 Joj:yfkssf] bfloTj -/f]syfd lgjf/0f_
;]jf zt{df Joj:yf ug]{, ;hu agfpg] -sd{rf/L tyf ;]jfu|xL_ bf]xl/g glbg ;'wf/fTds sfo{qmd, dgf]ljdz{ ;]jf -kLl8tnfO{_ sfo{:yndf u'gf;f] k]l6sf, sfo{ljlwut hfgsf/L lbg] . u'gf;f] ;'g'jfO{ k|lqmof s;}n] klg ph'/L ug{ ;Sg]÷t]>f] kIfnfO{ klg pQ/bfoL agfpg' kg]{ 36gfsf] !% lbgleq ph'/L Joj:yfkgsf] clwsf/ d]nldnfk÷ dfkmL dfUg nufpg],÷;r]t u/fpg]÷Ifltk"lt{÷;]jf zt{ adf]lhd ljefluo sf/jfxL÷!% lbgleq sf/jfxL ;hfo ^ dlxgf s}b / %),))) hl/jfgf, Joj:yfksn] bfloTj kfngf ;Dd hl/jfgf ., lgb]{zg jf cg'udgsf] lgb]{zg ;Dd ;hfo_, em'7f ph'/LnfO{ !),))) hl/jfgf, bf]xf]/ofP/ v/fa cfr/0f u/]df bf]Aa/ -k|yd k6s_

26 Me Too Campaign and Beyond!
Agriculture Ministure in Asar 15 #MeToo: Nepal’s Women Speak Up After taking India by storm, the #MeToo movement has come to Nepal. Can it bring change? two female journalists have accused Keshav Sthapit, of sexual harassment Minister Sher Bahadur Rai Vice President Poverty Alleviation Fund Lalitpur School to University Miss Nepal Episode

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