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Whole-body protein kinetics in C and T2D-O during postabsorptive and clamp states. Whole-body protein kinetics in C and T2D-O during postabsorptive and.

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1 Whole-body protein kinetics in C and T2D-O during postabsorptive and clamp states.
Whole-body protein kinetics in C and T2D-O during postabsorptive and clamp states. Leucine flux, protein breakdown (leucine endogenous Ra), oxidation, synthesis (non-oxidative leucine Rd), and net balance (synthesis–breakdown). A: Postabsorptive and B: clamp states. Data are mean ± SEM. There was a significant clamp effect in all kinetic variables, †p <0.05. Protein synthesis and net balance were significantly lower in T2D-O during the clamp period, *p < 0.05. C; response to clamp. Protein synthesis did not increase in T2D-O resulting in a lower increment in net balance, ‡p <0.05, clamp ×group interaction. Sergio A Burgos et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2016;4:e000312 ©2016 by American Diabetes Association

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