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English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 - Thurs, Oct. 12

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1 English 11 – Periods 5 & 6 - Thurs, Oct. 12
The following are due: Completed Common Lit short essay response Completed Practice Reading/Writing SOL IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – did you Remind text? Check agenda? Complete CW/HW? Do NOW: Pick up novel/questions & grammar notebook

2 Today’s Activities Warm Up -: MUG Shots intro/exercise #2B (15 min)
Common Lit #4–“Behind Native Amer. Achievement Gap” Find 3-5 peers who responded to your chosen question Discuss resp./note 3-4 agreed-upon points – INCLUDE a text AND real-world example Note card - present to class

3 Today’s Activities – con’t
“I Know” Personal Narrative Essay 5th Block - finish final essay – due Mon ( to my BRHS OR submit in Google Classroom folder/assignment 6th Block – work on final essay – due at END of class Mon (NOT HW but may work on revisions). Make sure you can access in class on Monday! The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Read/resp - Ch. 11 ONLY (due at start of Mon’s class)

4 Discussion Question #1 ADD THIS TO QUESTION #1
“…..Cite evidence from the text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.”

5 HW for Mon, Oct 16 I Know” Personal Narrative Essay
Finish final essay - to my BRHS OR submit in Google Classroom folder/assignment The Absolutely True Diary of a Poart-Time Indian Read/resp - Ch. 11 ONLY

6 A Look Ahead to Mon’s Class
Quack Vocab List #1, words 1-10 Finish template Film - The Blind Side View/respond to questions

7 Journal Writing Guidelines
Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors

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