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Attendance Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance Assembly

2 Why is Attendance Important?
Attending School is a legal requirement For every 10% that attendance drops, the GCSE grade achieved drops by one Nationally only 10% of students with poor attendance (that’s below 96%) achieves 5 GCSE grades 4+compared to over 60%of students with good attendance. Nationally 21% of students with poor attendance leave school with no qualifications compared to 3% who have regular attendance

3 This equates to no more than 8 days absence across the academic year.
The Government Target 96% This equates to no more than 8 days absence across the academic year.

4 Effort Resilience The Facts Attendance by gender: Boys= 90.1%
Girls = 93.0% Year 10 Boys Current Attendance; Year 7 = 95.2% Year 8 = 92.0% Year 9 = 90.9% Year 10 = 89.5% Year 11 = 89.1% Resilience

5 My Story By Anonymous

6 This is a TRUE story about a student that currently attends an Outwood Academy.

7 All the names have been changed to protect their identity, but they wanted their story to be told.

8 My older sister Sarah* had made a decision not to attend school when she was in year 9. My mum couldn’t even persuade her to go. Everyone in our family tried to help but she just wouldn’t listen.

9 One day my grandad dragged her into school and sat her in C5, but after 10 mins she ran out of school and went home to play on her x- box.

10 My mum would just sit and cry to me, my grandad, grandma and my aunty.
My mum overall ended up spending £3,000 on fines, went to court 3 times and spent well over £1,000 on solicitors all because Sarah wouldn’t go to school.

11 I bet you’re all thinking what has this got to do with me? Well…

12 I’m doing the same. If I don’t change my mum could go to PRISON.

13 Why? My sister Sarah also got my mum a 3 year suspended sentence. It has 6 months left. If I carry on not attending she is going to prison for 3 years.

14 Not only does that mean that I wont have a mum to go home too
Not only does that mean that I wont have a mum to go home too. I may have to go into foster care.

15 So I’ve decided to change. I don’t want that to happen
So I’ve decided to change. I don’t want that to happen. I couldn’t live with myself. I want my brother and sisters to grow up with a mum. I’m in school every day making sure it doesn’t

16 Why am I telling you this?
I don’t want anyone else to do the same. It is not a nice experience when you do it to your mum and dad. Just don’t do it. Come to school.

17 What Next – Weekly Competitions?
Rewards for This Half Term Year 9 Vs Year 10 Year 8 Vs Year 9 Year 7 Vs Year 8 Each week there will be a different attendance competition. See the Attendance display by the hall to find out what it is. 100% students from the winning competition will be entered into a raffle to win one of 5 free breakfast on the following Monday.

18 Check Your Progress Every Week in VMG
Win a Kindle Fire New Year – New Start The student who improves their attendance the most from Monday 8th January 2018 until the Easter holidays will win! Check Your Progress Every Week in VMG

19 100% Attendance Reward Well done if you currently have 100% attendance. If you can maintain this for the full year you will be invited on a trip to Alton Towers in the Summer.

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