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4.08 Employ sales-promotion activities to inform or remind customers of business/product.

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Presentation on theme: "4.08 Employ sales-promotion activities to inform or remind customers of business/product."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.08 Employ sales-promotion activities to inform or remind customers of business/product

2 Identify “out-of-the-box” sales promotion ideas

3 SALES PROMOTION STIMULATION OF SALES achieved through contests, discounts, giveaways, special offers, and similar activities SALES PROMOTION is a major part SEM INDUSTRY IS SO HIGHLY COMPETITIVE Customers have endless possibilities to spend money Helps customers decide to spend that money with them over the competition “OUT-OF-THE-BOX” Sales Promotions NO PARTICULAR TECHNIQUE- UNIQUE!! Using regular methods = inside the box!

Know target market Knowing your competition means taking their ideas and improving on them Putting a new twist on an old idea Brainstorming DETERMINE INCENTIVE "What does this sales promotion offer to customers?" A chance to save money? A free sample or gift? DETERMINING DELIVERY Deciding how to "package" the incentive A coupon? A contest? DETERMINING HOW TO GET THE NEWS OUT deciding how you will let your customers know it

5 Implement ticket sales campaign

6 TICKET SALES CAMPAIGN Sales campaign to encourage the sale of tickets to a certain event IMPLEMENTATION- must consider: IMMEDIATE ACCESSIBILITY Consumers expect to order and pay for tickets right away THEME Make the campaign unique and stand out TECHNOLOGY Most consumers purchase on the internet Making this option available will increase sales

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