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Ch. 3.1 Introduction to Atoms

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1 Ch. 3.1 Introduction to Atoms
Atoms Song (3:49)

2 Introduction to Atoms I. The tiny objects that make up all matter are _atoms_. What is an Atom? (5:52)

3 II. Structure of An Atom A. Atoms are made up of small particles
called _protons_, _neutrons_ and _electrons_. B. Particles in Atoms 1. Nucleus = very small _center_ _core_ 2. Protons = have a _positive_ electric charge 3. Neutrons = have _no_ charge 4. Electrons = have a _negative_ electric charge A Boy and his Atom (1:33)

4 Atoms 5. The _positive_ charge from the protons equals the _negative_ charge from the electrons. 6. The charges _balance_ or make atoms _neutral_. Brain Pop Atoms

5 C. A Cloud of Electrons 1. Electrons move _around_ the nucleus.
2. Electrons with _lower_ energy move closer to the nucleus. 3. Most of the atom’s _volume_ is the space in which the _electrons_ move.

6 D. Comparing D. Comparing Particle Masses
1. It takes _2,000_ electrons to _equal_ the mass of just _one_ proton. 2. The mass of a proton _equals_ the mass of a neutron. 3. Units of measure for atoms are _atomic_ _mass_ _units_ (amu)

7 E. Describe Models of Atoms
Dalton’s Model = Each element is made of atoms that are all alike. Atoms are like tiny solid balls. Atoms/Scientists (3:28)

8 Models Bohr Model = Electrons move in specific layers or shells, not randomly. Atoms absorb or give off energy when the electrons move from one shell to another. Brain Pop Atomic Model

9 III. Models and Atoms A. An element can be identified by the number of _protons_ in the _nucleus_ of its atoms. B. Atomic number = number of _protons _ in its nucleus

10 Models and Atoms C. Isotopes = atoms with _same_ number of protons but _different_ number of neutrons D. Mass Number = sum of the _protons_ and _neutrons_ in the nucleus Brain Pop Isotopes

11 IV. Modeling Atoms A. Atoms are hard to study because they are _amazingly_ _small_. B. Scientists create _models_ to study atoms because they are so small.

12 Models C. Model = a _diagram_, _mental_ _picture_, _mathmatical_ _statement_ or _object_ to explain ideas about the natural world. D. Models are used to _make_ and _test_ predictions. E. The modern atomic model explains _why most elements react with other elements, while a few elements hardly react at all_. Atoms

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