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Conservation of Matter and Mass

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation of Matter and Mass"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation of Matter and Mass

2 Review Particle Model Of Matter
Review it here!

3 We’ve talked about changes in matter...
Changes in phases (evaporation, melting) Baking Soda in Vinegar

4 HOWEVER… No matter is ever created or destroyed in a physical or chemical change. The total amount of matter always remains constant.

5 Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter is neither created or destroyed. How did scientists figure this out?! Just like you did with your playdough Discovered that mass of reactants (before reaction) was same as products (after reaction)

6 The Law of Conservation of Matter
Even though the matter may change from one form to another, the same number of atoms exists before and after the change takes place!

7 The Law of Conservation of Mass
Same idea of The Law of Conservation of Matter Mass is neither created nor destroyed. Same mass before and after reaction/change.

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