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Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias

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Presentation on theme: "Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias
Evaluating Sources Scope and Approach Date of Publication Viewpoint Bias

2 Scope and Approach Do Not Depend on Title Alone
Book: Check table of contents and index. How many pages devoted to your subject? Article: Read abstract and/or opening paragraphs. Author: Is there biographical information? Does it provide author’s basic approach to the subject?

3 Scope and Approach Consider These Questions:
Does the source provide a general or specialized view? Is the source long enough to provide adequate detail? Is the author an expert on the topic? Is the information substantiated elsewhere?

4 Date of Publication Older Sources: Establish principles, theories, and data Become familiar with authoritative works Web Sources: Check how often it is updated

5 Viewpoint Sources should represent multiple viewpoints on the subject
Arguments: Determine what positions have been staked out. Define the issue more carefully Anticipate opposing arguments

6 Bias Most writing is not neutral or objective
Must consider how the viewpoints are reflected in the writing and arguments

7 Bias To Determine General Point of View:
Title: Watch for loaded words Author: Title or Affiliation, Sponsors Presentation or Argument: Is the evidence from authoritative sources? Does the author refute opposing arguments?

8 Additional Questions for Evaluating Websites:
What is the domain? (.gov / .edu) Who is sponsoring the site? Is there clear contact information? Is there a clear differentiation between content and advertisements? Does the site contain links to credible sites? How often is the site updated?

9 Source Analysis Descriptive and Critical
Describe the contents of the source Address whether or not it is a credible source Explain how it is relevant to your research

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