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By: Inthavy Akkharath, Ph.D. 12th February, 2019
Project Concept for Global Environment Facility 7th (GEF 7) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) supported by United Nations Development Programme in Lao PDR By: Inthavy Akkharath, Ph.D. 12th February, 2019
Background At its 54th meeting in June 2018,
the GEF council approved a new Policy for the System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) which introduced modifications to STAR as agreed by the Participants to the seventh replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund (GEF-7) (Initial GEF-& STAR Country Allocations, GEF/C.55/Inf.03). The STAR Allocation for Lao PDR in GEF 7 is USD 8.07 m.
Role of UNDP UNDP as a trusted partner of the Government of Lao PDR and a GEF Agency has supported the country in accessing funds thorough different GEF cycles and GEF windows including GEF 4, GEF 6, Enabling Activities and LDC Funds, over the past years. This support has been reflected in successful applications to the GEF and implementation of projects such as the SNC to the UNFCCC, LDCF 2 Project, IRAS Project, ABP Project, SAFE Ecosystems Project, INDC Implementation Project and 6NR Report. UNDP stands ready to continue support to the Government of Lao PDR as a GEF Agency.
Engagement on GEF 7 The Government of Lao PDR has already engaged with UNDP Country Office and UNDP GEF Regional Technical Advisor on the concept for programming for GEF 7. This engagement included meetings with CBD Focal Point (February 02, 2017); GEF Operational Focal Point (June 19, 2018) and ABS Focal Point (July 19, 2018). At the meeting with GEF OFP on June 19, 2018, UNDP was requested to prepare a Concept in July/ August, which would then be translated to a PIF for the GEF to be submitted in early 2019.
Project Concept Outline
The project to be developed will be for the Biodiversity and Land Degradation Focal Areas, as well as accessing the Set Aside Funds for the Impact Programme 1 on Land Use/Land Restoration and Impact Programme 3 on Sustainable Forestry. The project will focus on the implementation of the approved Lao PDR National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP ) with the following areas to be three Components and related Outputs:
Output 1: Decision-making tools
Wildlife conservation targeting selected endangered species, baseline data Saola conservation programme Mapping of forest areas, GIS, Wildlife Surveys Output2: Enhancing Policy Mechanisms Access to Benefit Sharing (ABS) (regulatory framework, capacity building) Clearing House Mechanism (establishment, population of data, information sharing) National reporting to conventions Output 3: Protected Areas Management Conservation of Laving-Lavern PA and Kunsay-Nongma PA Sustainable financing for PAs Community engagement for improved livelihoods
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