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Florida Gator Presented to you by: Meg Delgado Amber Ball Adam Karas.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Gator Presented to you by: Meg Delgado Amber Ball Adam Karas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Gator Presented to you by: Meg Delgado Amber Ball Adam Karas

2 Alligator Mississipiensis
Scientific Name Alligator Mississipiensis Better Known as the Gator

3 Florida and down into Texas
Location Carolinas to Florida and down into Texas

4 Fresh to brackish waters
Habitat Fresh to brackish waters

5 found in Florida and Lousianna
Population Highest population found in Florida and Lousianna highest concentration in Central and South Florida

6 meat eaters (Carnivorous)
Diet meat eaters (Carnivorous) eat mostly at night swallow food whole

7 Baby Gators Eat Snails Frogs Insects small fish

8 sometimes smaller gators
Adult Gators Fish turtles Water Fowl snakes Small Mammals sometimes smaller gators

9 SIZE Longest Record 19'2 most are not above 13 feet

10 Weight 600 pounds or more

11 Gator Tracks

12 Encyclopidia Americana
Referances Encyclopidia Americana

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