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Handbooks for fishery statistics Item 5

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Presentation on theme: "Handbooks for fishery statistics Item 5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Handbooks for fishery statistics Item 5
WG on Fishery statistics 24-25 October 2018

2 New Handbooks Methodological guidance Definitions Instructions
Intended both for data providers and data users

3 New harmonised Template

4 Fixed Layout Free Content

5 Handbook Structure


7 Handbook structure 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Classification
4. Data processing 5. Data structure 6. Data transmission 7. Data validation 8. Quality reports 9. Data dissemination

8 Handbook Content

9 Regulations Guidelines FAO Handbooks

10 Aquaculture

11 Results of EoV - Aquaculture
Comment Decision 1 No comments (13) BG; CZ; DK; HR; LT1; HU; NL; PL; FI; NO (+); ME; AL; XK (+); Info 2 Detailed comments (10) DK; DE; EL; ES; FR; LT2; MT; SI; SK; SE; 3 2.1 – Inclusion / exclusion error "excludes products NOT for human consumption" DE; EL; SI; SK Corrected 4 – Seaweeds should be expressed in lengths units DE; ES Not in legal act

12 Comment Decision 5 – Improve definition of juveniles to include marine plants in line with FAO (-> aquatic organisms) DE; FR Corrected 6 – replace "fish" with "aquatic organisms" 7 Description of value of production in the handbook, currently does not indicate how to report prices when aquaculture farm sells their own production not fresh, but semi or completely processed. LT2 Clarification to be added to handbook


14 Comment Decision 8 Stage in life cycle Added larvae, fry and adults; DE; DK Corrected 9 Fertilised eggs included or excluded -> Included in hatcheries; 10 – should include juvenile shellfish and juvenile seaweed DE; FR To be added to handbook 11 More thorough definition of capture based aquaculture (FISH AQ 3) DK 12 Production of microalgae in tanks should be measured in litres and not in kilograms (avoid conversion) ES Not in legal act

15 Comment Decision 13 Include list of Eurobase aquaculture tables on the dissemination chapter MT To be added to handbook 14 Production Environment SE Corrected 15 Usage of the C and N flags (confidentiality issues) DE; EL; ES; SI To be discussed under item 6. 16 Very detailed comments on separate handbook file DE

16 Catches and landings

17 Results of EoV – Catches & Landings
Comment Decision 1 No comments (21) BG; CZ; DK (+); DE; EE; ES; FR; HR; LT1&2; HU; NL; PL; SI; SK; FI; SE; NO (+); ME; AL; XK (+) Info 2 Detailed comments (2) EL; MT;

18 Comment Decision 3 Clarify that fishing effort and fishing gear relate to catches only EL; Corrected

19 Comment Decision 4 Include list of Eurobase tables on the dissemination chapter MT; To be added to handbook 5 Usage of the C and N flags (confidentiality issues) EL; To be discussed under item 6.

20 Next Steps

21 ESTAT publishes on CIRCA
Send written comments ESTAT publishes on CIRCA

22 The WG is invited to comment on the text of the draft aquaculture and catch and landings handbooks

23 Data transmission and validation Item 6
WG on Fishery statistics 24-25 October 2018

24 Overview Data transmission forms Data validation EDAMIS4

25 Why Eurostat is renewing data transmission and validation?
Harmonising the practices between various data flows; Making the data transmission easier and safer; Making the data validation more efficient and transparent, and Enhancing the data quality.

26 Data transmission forms
SDMX compliant excel-sheets, as before. Important to use always the latest version, even for data revisions.

27 New ISO ALPHA-2 country codes
ISO ALPHA-3 country codes have been in use in Fisheries statistics due to historical reasons (e.g. GRC=Greece) The new data transmission forms: ISO ALPHA-2 standard codes (e.g. EL = Greece) Full list in Annex of the document

28 Flags Two flag types: observation status and confidentiality status
Each value accompanied by two flag columns: Flags can be the same or different for Production (TLW) and Unit_Price (EUR) SPECIES OBS_VALUE (TLW) OBS_STATUS OBS_CONF UNIT_PRICE (EUR) PRICE_STATUS PRICE_CONF CURRENCY v 10 100 U EUR x 250 B 150 P y N E z 800 D 1500

29 Observation status flags
Meaning Data transmission B Break in time series (Numerical value) B D Definition differs (Numerical value) D E Estimated (Numerical value) E L Missing, phenomenon exists L (without value) N Not significant N (without value) P Provisional (Numerical value) P U Low reliability (Numerical value) U Only one flag is allowed at the moment for observation status.

30 Confidentiality status flags
C-flag if risk of disclosing individual information (normally 1-2 data providers) and if value is ≠ 0 (normally) For small confidential values (below 500 t and less than 45% of the total production) recommended to use N-flag (non-significant, without a value) instead of C-flag (+ value) in order to avoid hiding data also at upper levels of aggregates due to propagation of C-flag. SPECIES OBS_VALUE OBS_STATUS OBS_CONF UNIT_PRICE PRICE_STATUS PRICE_CONF CURRENCY v 10 C 100 EUR x N

31 Data validation First step: Rules integrated into data transmission forms Second step: validation in EDAMIS when data are transferred (separate presentation) Third step: rules integrated into Eurostat data processing database

32 New in-built quality checks in data transmission forms
Duplicate detection Detection of several reference years in the same data sheet Aggregate checks (if they are provided by the countries)

33 New data validation procedures in Eurostat
Upgraded database to validate and aggregate the data with new functionalities in Eurostat. Generic checks and domain specific checks (AQ, Catch, Land). Important to pre-check the data by using the same validation rules. Inform Eurostat by if large variations in the data if compared to previous years.

34 Better support for pre-validation of data
EDAMIS 4: Why? More security: data transmission possible over private networks (CCN, TESTA) and 2-way encryption possible Better support for pre-validation of data Data transmission based on standard transmission protocols (sFTP, AS4) New HTML5 user interface: no more Java applets, which cause issues with modern browsers.

35 Timetable 2018 2019 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 EDAMIS 3 portal available EDAMIS 4 acceptance testing EDAMIS 4 portal available Parallel run with EDAMIS 3 and 4 foreseen at least for 6 months!

36 what can you expect soon?
Where are we now and what can you expect soon? The EDAMIS 4 Portal is already in production, but currently only accessible to Local Transmission Coordinators (TCOs) in NSIs. By the end of 2018 opened to all data providers. Users will still be able to use EDAMIS 3 for at least six months.

37 Getting ready for the new EDAMIS
Several training events already carried out in All recordings and material available on CIRCABC: Short training videos covering the most common functionalities also available (more coming soon):

38 Keeping up-to-date with the migration
Available to anyone with an EU login Information platform containing: Description of the migration timeline Description of the features of each phase Information on training events Frequently Asked Questions Forum for questions and discussions List of outstanding defects / bugs You can also contact your local Transmission Coordinator (TCOs) for more info. The list of TCOs is available online.

39 EoV Comment Decision 1 No comments (15)
BG, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FR, HR, HU, MT, NL, PL, SK, FI; SE, AL Info 2 Detailed comments (10) EL, LT, SI, NO; ME, XK 3 Webinar on EDAMIS 4 EL Available 4 N flag instead of C flag discloses information (below 500 t) Recommend but not in regulation

40 EoV Comment Decision 5 Are several obs-status flags allowed? EL No 6
Validation checks: Production varies from year to year NO Yes, indicative check

41 Next steps Task Responsible Expected timeline
AQ: Release of new data transmission forms and validation checks Eurostat 16/11/2018 CATCH & LAND: Release of new data transmission forms and validation checks April-May 2019 EDAMIS4 Q4/2018

42 The WG is invited to take note of the new codes and flags and their use take note of migration to EDAMIS4 take note of the new validation rules take note of the timing of these changes

43 Validation for FISHERIES
New Validation Process in Edamis WG on Fisheries Statistics 24-25 October 2018

44 Reasons for Changing the Validation
Access for Member States to ESTAT tools Structure Validation Reports for better readability Formatted with technical & understandable descriptions Reusable validation rules and transparency

45 New Validation workflow in Edamis

46 1. Upload Data File via EDAMIS
Validation unchecked

47 1.2 Receiving Sender Notification

48 2.1 Validation Result Preview
Validation preview relocated

49 2.2 Receiving Feedback Notification
Validation preview

50 3. Validation errors Every uploaded Data File via EDAMIS gets delivered Confirmed by “Sender Notification” Successful validated Files are further processed Further validation & import in production systems Files with validation errors are not further processed Correct reported errors and reupload a new Data File

51 4. Validation Report Details
Validation preview success Validation preview errors Download validation report

52 5. Open report and fix all errors
Human readable error description

53 Dates & Support
Switching to new Validation Procedure planned for 15th of November, 2018 will use new Code List currently under preparation more info will follow before the change Support Contact Monitored by FISHERIES Domain Managers

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