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Science Project By: Victoria and Ivy. What Mealworm Like What Food?

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Presentation on theme: "Science Project By: Victoria and Ivy. What Mealworm Like What Food?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Project By: Victoria and Ivy

2 What Mealworm Like What Food?

3 We Think That the Mealworms will Like The Celery The Most

4 Materials ●wap ●Fruits and Vegetables ●box

5 The Experiment

6 What we are doing…. What we are doing is we are putting mealworms/beetles in a box with different foods and we are going to wait for a 1 week and see how much they eat and grow

7 I think this is what’s going to happen because… It has the right amount of moisture and nutrients to feed a animals and a human also i came from outside Hypothesis support

8 The experiment :) Day ! They like The sandwich is winning Day 2 They really liked the celery but today we think they will like the lettuce leaf Celery, sandwich, cucumbers, goldfish The celery won that day!!

9 Conclusion That they liked the veggie because they are healthy and they give good nutrients to them so the mealworms can grow to beautiful beatles and the beatles can get the nutrients so they can grow and live a very old time.

10 Facts About Mealworms Where do they live?- Not often in the wild Human Environment Dark moist places What do they eat- Flour Pet food Mill feed Other dry foods Life Span? A few months or 15 years

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