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Sources of Heat and Ways That Heat Can Be Produced

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Presentation on theme: "Sources of Heat and Ways That Heat Can Be Produced"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sources of Heat and Ways That Heat Can Be Produced

2 AGENDA Hook (Anticipatory Set) Instruction Guided Practice
Evaluation (Assessment) Closure

3 STANDARD 3-4.4 Identify sources of heat and exemplify ways that heat can be produced (including rubbing, burning, and using electricity).

4 OBJECTIVE Students will be able to identify sources of heat and exemplify ways that heat can be produced (including rubbing, burning, and using electricity).

5 Question (Anticipatory Set)
What are some common sources of heat?

6 Instruction Sources of heat produce heat energy and make things warmer. EX. Fires, Stoves, Toasters, Ovens, The Sun, Light Bulbs, Engines, Animals

7 Question What are ways that heat can be produced?

8 Instruction Heat can be produced by 1.) Rubbing 2.) Burning
3.) Using Electricity

9 Rubbing When objects are rubbed together, heat is produced.
EX. When hands are rubbed together, they get warmer on a cold day.

10 Burning When materials are burned in a fire, heat can be produced.
EX. When wood or candles are burned, they produce heat.

11 Using Electricity When electricity is used, heat can be produced.
EX. When electricity is used in light bulbs, heaters, stoves, toasters, or ovens, things get warmer.

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