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Writing an e-card.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing an e-card."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an e-card

2 Project guideline

3 Parts of the e-card Starting your postcard: Dear + Name e.g: Dear Mary
Dear John

4 To say hello: Dear Susan, Hi, Peter

5 Parts of the e-card Where are you:
Use the present continuous to say you're enjoying the holiday, where you are staying, how the weather is etc. Remember that you have to mention where you are.

6 Where you are (present continuous)
I’m in ______. We’re having a great/good/excellent time. It's raining We are spending… The weather is pretty good/fine/awful. This is our first/second/third day in _________(name of place).

7 Parts of the e-card Where you were:
Use the past simple and time expressions to talk about things you already did or places you visited.

8 Things you did (past simple)
Time expressions: Yesterday Last week Last month One week ago Three years ago Yesterday morning The day before yesterday In March On sunday I visited many museums/parks/places We went to.. It was very impressive/surpriging/disapointing

9 Today’s goal: 50 words Remember to include Greeting Present continuous
Past simple + 1 time expression

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