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Fig. 4. Effect of gravity and stage on relative expression levels of lipid metabolic and hormone receptor genes.Total RNA was isolated from (A) mammary,

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 4. Effect of gravity and stage on relative expression levels of lipid metabolic and hormone receptor genes.Total RNA was isolated from (A) mammary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 4. Effect of gravity and stage on relative expression levels of lipid metabolic and hormone receptor genes.Total RNA was isolated from (A) mammary, (B) liver, and (C) adipose of late pregnant (G20) and early lactation (P1) control and HG treated dams. Effect of gravity and stage on relative expression levels of lipid metabolic and hormone receptor genes.Total RNA was isolated from (A) mammary, (B) liver, and (C) adipose of late pregnant (G20) and early lactation (P1) control and HG treated dams. Expression of Acaca, Acyl, Lpl, GR and Prlr were measured using rt-q-PCR. Actb and B2m were used as reference genes and relative gene expression (RQ) was calculated using the delta-delta CT method with mean G20 control delta CT as normalizer. Values are expressed as mean ±SEM; to determine probability of difference, ANOVA was used with gravity, day and gravity × day as main effects; *indicates significant difference between treatments at p<0.05. Theresa Casey et al. Biology Open 2012;bio © 2012 The Company of Biologists

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