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The Impact of Technology on Learning

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1 The Impact of Technology on Learning
This is a speaker notes.

2 The Impact of Educational Technology on Student Achievement What Most Current Research Say
Students who used computer-based instruction score 14% higher on achievement tests when compared to students in a controlled group who did not use computers. Students learn more in less time when they received computer-based instruction in the classroom.

3 Students develop more positive attitudes toward learning and their self-concept consistently improved when classes included computer-based instruction. Both regular education students and special-need students, in technology rich environments, experience positive effects on achievement in all major subject areas. Computer-based instruction was more cost effective in improving students achievement than (1) class size reduction, (2) increased instructional time, or (3) cross age tutoring programs (Schacter, 1999).

4 Different features of PowerPoint
Import features: graphics, files, founds, and animation. Automatic features: timed presentation, record sound, online feature: save as HTML files, & pack feature.

5 Sample test Question One: Water is a kind of _________________. A. Gas
B. Rock C. Liquid D. Solid

6 Sorry, you are wrong! Click Go Back

7 Thank you, you are correct!
Click to the next question

8 Question Two: How many people are there in the classroom? A. There are none. B. There are three. C. There are a few. D. There are many.

9 Correct Click to go to next page

10 Thank you for attending the presentation
Good Bye!

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