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Student Name Student Class

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1 Student Name Student Class
Copyright and the Law Student Name Student Class

2 Definition A copyright provides legal protection to a written or an artistic work Protected work may include images, symbols, novels, movies, songs, and software A copyright protects expressions of ideas Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, or systems

3 Exclusive Rights A copyright gives its author exclusive rights to the use and duplication of a work for a designated time The author may sell and/or give up a portion of that right Give distribution rights to a publisher Grant movie rights to a studio

4 Conveying Limited Rights
Software developers convey limited rights to the software through: End User License Agreement Grants full use to the software on one computer Prohibits purchaser from copying, modifying, or selling the software Site License Permits an organization to run multiple copies of the software concurrently

5 Copyright Infringement
Occurs when a copyright is violated without permission of the owner Unauthorized duplication or use of software Unauthorized downloading and/or duplication of songs and movies Involves stiff penalties From the law By your school

6 Software Piracy Poses a unique problem because of the ease with which it is done Results in: Higher prices for legitimate licenses Reduced levels of support Delays in development of new versions It’s not OK to borrow your friend’s Office CD for installation on your computer

7 Using Copyrighted Material
The copyright owner may place the work in the public domain, in which case the author is giving everyone the right to freely reproduce and distribute material The “fair use exception” to the copyright law allows one to use a portion of a written or artistic such as the following: Education Non-profit Critical review and commentary

8 Credit Your Sources Cite your references
Include a source text box on a slide Create a site listing sources Include hyperlinks to sources Does not substitute for authorized use

9 For Additional Information
The United States Copyright Web site The Business Software Alliance The Copyright Web site

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