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Presenting by Eskedar Zelalem Mengistu

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1 Digital Cadastre with Manual Land Tenure Systems Scaling up in Ethiopia
Presenting by Eskedar Zelalem Mengistu Presentation at the “2018 Land Governance in an Interconnected World” The World Bank - Washington DC, March 19-23, 2018

2 About REILA I and II Project
REILA = Responsible & Innovative Land Administration, is funded by MFA Finland, implemented by NIRAS as lead consultant (DAI as partner) Bilateral development project between and ,Manged by The purpose of the project is to contribute towards an improved, transparent and appropriate land administration system in Ethiopia. Finland Ethiopia REILA II REILA II is a four-year project with a total budget of EUR 8.8 million. Finland’s contribution to the budget is EUR 7.1 million while Ethiopia will contribute EUR 1.7 million in cash and in kind Timeframe: July July 2021 Project area: Federal level, Benishangul-Gumuz & Amhara Regions + NRLAIS scale updistricts in Tigray, Oromyia and SNNP REILA I Budget: 12,800,000 Euro contribution by Finland Timeframe: July July 2017 Project area: Federal level, Benishangul-Gumuz & Amhara Regions + trial districts in Tigray, Oromyia and SNNP

3 REILA Project Role for Rural Land of Ethiopia
The rights of women and girls, as well as of vulnerable groups and minorities, 2. The ultimate impact of REILA I and II will be improved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. 3. REILA project stems largely from Ethiopia’s efforts to ensure food security, to address land degradation and loss of soil and water resources and to promote sustainable use of natural resources; so the project supports also the fourth priority area in the Finnish Development Policy. Scaling up of NRLAIS over the next 4 years Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Systematic Registration Scaling Up Education Program/TVET

4 NRLAIS: Historical Background
About NRLAIS History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS: Historical Background 2010: Harmonisation of Land Administration in Ethiopia (commissioned by World Bank) 2012: Information System IT Strategy by the Ministry Agriculture, Ethiopia 2014: International tender for a pilot implementation of the strategy 2015: Contract for pilot system development to , a geoinformation services company from Germany 2015: actual NRLAIS system development starts. 2016: A prototype was delivered in December 2017: testing in the pilot offices 2018: scale-up expected to start at April NRLAIS: National Rural Land Administration Information System, Used for RLAUD under MoANR Future: Implement throughout Ethiopia Now: close to the Development to be Finalized Address the demand for a for a harmonised national rural land administration system. Insure due diligence of transaction processes.

5 Applies the ISO Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS –Implementation Features Applies the ISO Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) FOSS

6 NRLAIS – Preparatory tasks for Scaling Up
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS – Preparatory tasks for Scaling Up Planned Preparatory Tasks for NRLAIS Scalding UP Site preparation for NRLAIS at scaling up sites; Center/Region/Zone/Sub-district (Woreda) Institutionalization and establishment of IT support Data migration and loading of the NRLAIS NRLAIS user and administrator training Transition to operational phase and activation (Go Live) at new sites

7 Strategic phases of NRLAIS scaling-up
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS – Scale-Up Strategic phases of NRLAIS scaling-up NRLAIS Scaling Up will cover 150 Sub District /Woredas 15 zones 5 regions

8 NRLAIS –Comparative Trial
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS –Comparative Trial Comparative Trials Objective to test NRLAIS in different size and nature of sites to test cost of system implementation which will he adopted for the rollout to compared NRLAIS with the interim systems that are in place Comparative Trial : selection criteria of trial operational sites Considering previous interim experience Regional participation Resource utilization of projects

9 NRLAIS –Rollout; Bringing NRLAIS into Production
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS –Rollout; Bringing NRLAIS into Production Overview of work-packages in NRLAIS phase I: NRLAIS Rollout at Reasonable Enough Number of Sites

10 Overview of work-packages in NRLAIS phase II: NRLAIS Sustainability
History Feature Pre. Task Scale up Comparative Trail Rollout Sustainability NRLAIS –Sustainable Operation of NRLAIS Overview of work-packages in NRLAIS phase II: NRLAIS Sustainability

11 NRLAIS Scaling up Challenge
Overview of the current manual Archive Management System (AMS )in RLAUD offices Movable Cabinets for Archive Management System (AMS )

12 Interlinking NRALIS with Manuals Tenure Archive
Scaling up NRLAIS - ultimate objectives Interlinking NRLAIS with the existing AMS of RLAUD

13 Conclusion The National Rural Land Administration Information System (NRLAIS) was developed for the Rural Land Administration and Use Directorate of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources between 2015 and March 2018. The objectives of the NRLAIS development and scaling Up: To harmonize the rural land administration in Ethiopia, To improve nationwide land tenure security and enhance good land governance, To ensure proper land use practices for sustainable natural resources, and To minimize land related disputes by institutionalizing a proper and sustainable conflict management system. Finland provide a fund RLAUD to be implemented by NIRAS as lead company though REILA II project, which will address the challenge by scaling up NRLAIS (developed and piloted under REILA I project) at national, regional and Woreda levels. System Integration with the NRLAIS will be realized through interlinking the archive management with the UPID reference system, i.e. Parcel and Holding ID, which will make rural land tenure archive more accessible to the users and to public, and that will improve the transparency of the land transactions.


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