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Timeline for developing RTS 2040

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2 Timeline for developing RTS 2040
Substantial early engagement and initial preparatory work has been done To achieve submission to Ministers by end 2019 is challenging Will require concerted effort, early focus and stakeholder buy-in Is dependent on progress with National Transport Strategy Includes key consultation milestones Should avoid public consultation in parallel with National Transport Strategy consultation May necessitate an additional Board meeting in August Can be progressed in parallel with Strategic Development Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment and other pieces of work

3 RTS Development Groups

4 Regional Transport Strategy (RTS)
Nestrans’ primary function – to produce (and deliver) an RTS A 20-year Vision providing a balanced framework ensuring transport develops to facilitate economic growth Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs) bring together local authorities and other key regional stakeholders to take a strategic approach to transport RTPs are independent bodies; RTS is a statutory document requiring Ministerial approval and provides a steer for Local Transport Strategies

5 RTS and City Region Deal
City Region Deal includes funding for a Strategic Transport Appraisal (STA) Jacobs are appointed to deliver STA by summer 2019 Detailed analysis of issues, problems and opportunities for the region Stakeholder involvement and consultation Common vision and objectives STA will consider options and identify preferred package of schemes RTS 2040 will consider principles and policies and be produced by Nestrans in parallel STA and RTS 2040 will together form the Regional Transport Strategy 2040 Regional Transport Strategy 2040 RTS STA Vision and Objectives Schemes and Options Principles and Policies

6 RTS 2040 Scoping Paper Early production to lay out key themes, vision and objectives Contents Context Supporting research required The full scoping paper is available on the Nestrans2040 website

7 Previous RTS was structured External Links, Internal Links, Policy Framework
Intention to focus the new RTS on Four Key Pillars Economy Environment Health Equality Contents

8 Context North East expansion over past 50 years
Development of Modern Transport System and first RTS Building on billion pound investment in AWPR, rail, airport, ports Further transport Improvements required? The conundrum: economic growth versus sustainable future

9 National Transport Strategy - 4 Themes - Indicative Policy Direction - Climate commitments and national purpose Where the RTS sits Strategic Transport Appraisal Objectives Problems/Issues Consultation Options RTS Other Influences - Strategic Development Plan, Regional Economic Strategy and Sustainable Energy Action Plan - City Centre Masterplan and Projects - Local Outcome Improvement Plans and Community Planning

10 RTS SDP CCMP LEZ SUMP Where RTS sits AWPR Access new Harbour Strategic
Rail Enhancements Road Hierarchies AWPR Wellington Road Study Access new Harbour SDP CCMP LEZ SUMP Strategic arking Where RTS sits Strategic Trans Appraisal Cumulative Transport Assessment FPASTS RTS Bus Alliance Active Travel

11 Problems/Issues Jacobs Strategic Transport Appraisal work has identified 7 high level problems/issues High car usage Constrained road network Infrastructure needs to keep pace with development Poor perception of public transport Limited rail network Lack of active travel opportunities Relative remoteness from key markets

12 Objectives Identified in the Strategic Transport Appraisal
TPO 1 – Increase Access for All TPO 2 – Reduce business costs, realise Economic Strategy TPO 3 – Reduce impacts on Health and the Environment TPO 4 – Integration of Land Use and Transport TPO 5 – Improve relative competitiveness of public transport TPO 6 – Maintain a safe, resilient and reliable transport network

13 National Transport Strategy four themes
Promoting Equality Helping the Economy Prosper Taking Climate Action Improving Health & Well-Being

14 Regional Economic Strategy: A renaissance vision to grow the economy across new and traditional industries Strategic Development Plan: Proposes 55,000 new homes by 2040 SEAP: Both local authorities have signed the Covenant of Mayors’ commitment to reduce CO2 by 40% by 2030 CCMP: Requires a reduction in city centre traffic by 20% LOIPs: Aberdeen City Council Stretch Outcome – “To achieve the highest Active Travel Rate in Scotland” Other Influences

15 Developing a Vision Draft for discussion “To provide a clean, resilient, inclusive and accessible transport system in the north east, which contributes to improved quality of life through healthier, more prosperous and fairer communities”

16 RTS 2040 – Need for Supporting Research
Successful City Regions Demand Management Rural Accessibility RTS 2040 – Need for Supporting Research

17 Successful City Regions
Understanding of how other city regions have addressed issues of growth Guest speakers/potential visits Collaborating with other Scottish cities

18 Demand Management Considering demand management options
Low Emission Zones, charging mechanisms and traffic management Practicalities in a north east context, implications and potential impacts

19 Rural Accessibility Demographic and economic changes
Challenges faced by local centres Accessing services, with limited subsidies and social changes

20 New Regional Transport Strategy and Strategic Transport Appriasal will need to be assessed in regard to: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Fairer Scotland Duty Health Impact Assessment Equalities and Human Rights Assessments required

21 Strategic Environmental Assessment
Screening and scoping to be completed shortly A lot of work already carried out as part of Strategic Transport Appraisal as part of City Region Deal Once screening sent to SEA gateway, we should receive comments back from SNH, SEPA and Historic Environment Scotland within 6 weeks Environmental Report produced alongside the strategy and consulted upon at the same time.

22 Fairer Scotland, Health Assessment and Equalities Impact
Impact assessments to ensure that the new RTS does not have unintended consequences and adversely affect any person or the natural environment If negative effects are identified, actions should be taken to mitigate these where possible Nestrans is working with partners and will consult widely as part of this process

23 Next Steps Finalise scoping report Progress research papers
Develop a communications plan NETCF / Sounding Board


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