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CLCQ Conference 2019 Making Rights Real Scott McDougall

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Presentation on theme: "CLCQ Conference 2019 Making Rights Real Scott McDougall"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLCQ Conference 2019 Making Rights Real Scott McDougall
Qld Anti-Discrimination Commissioner 21 March 2019

2 Acknowledgements

3 The Big Picture The Role of the QHRC The Role of the CLCS

4 “in the end it’s the big picture which changes nations”
Prime Minister Paul Keating Concession Speech

5 “Toothless tiger… they’ll gum you to death”
Anonymous Stakeholder 2019

6 “I wanted to ensure that human rights laws… meant something practical to people throughout Queensland, that it could actually change their lives, that if they were discriminated against they had an appropriate redress. Often people think of human rights laws as something linked to Geneva. I wanted to make them practical. I wanted to make them accessible and I think we did that in Queensland” ADCQ’s First Commissioner Helen Twohill, 2001

7 Functions of the QHRC s61 HRA complaints
review public entities’ policies, programs etc. information and education assist Attorney General in review of the Act s51 – intervening in legal proceedings s90 - publishing information about finalised complaint s91 - annual report s92 - other reports (e.g. about a review of public entity)

8 Transition to QHRC Get Ready now -> June 2019 Rebranding
Team creation and training Resource development Get Set July -> Dec 2019 Education and information functions Promotion and awareness Go 1 January 2020 Complaints Reporting

9 Rebranding consultation
Partnership Independence Capacity

10 Role of CLCs Partners in building the culture
Filtering complaints – managing expectations Strategic Litigation Community Education 4 year Review

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