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Alina M, Chloe L, Freya G, Matthew H, Nick W

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1 Alina M, Chloe L, Freya G, Matthew H, Nick W
Music Alina M, Chloe L, Freya G, Matthew H, Nick W

2 Process of our project At the start of our project, we began by researching our assigned faculty. Since the start of this project, our group has been very organised. We worked efficiently and all of our work was done to a high standard. We then created some inquiry questions and answered them according to the requirements. Next, we started to create some 2D designs for our 3D prototype. Finally we created our 3D prototype. It was a slow process at first, but we started working efficiently afterwards.

3 Inquiry questions After that, we started working on our inquiry questions. We considered who, when, where, why and how. Our group faced many issues trying to come up with the questions. At first, our questions were too short and did not explain the designed ideas. We changed our questions to describe more about the revolutions of music. It took a while but it was worth the effort, it gave us more information to work with. We managed to successfully answer 10 good-quality questions in detail. We accomplished this by researching 2 questions each. We also set a time limit, which helped us because everybody knew exactly what there role was.

4 Ideas to include in our final design
We started generating ideas for our end design. We created 3 ideas. They weren’t all useful but we had some good plans. We planned to use all of the ideas but that would have taken too long. Trying to narrow down our ideas, we had to decide if they were necessary, which ruled out of two of them. We then had to think critically about how manageable our ideas were.

5 Our final 3D design (ideas and final product)
We had three drafts which were presented to the class. We received constructive feedback. Our group listened to our classmates’ thoughts and changed our drafts to improve the design. Our decision of our design was also based on the feedback we got. During our process of selecting a specific design, practicality and aesthetics were also considered. That left us with our final 2D design. We began turning the 2D design into a 3D prototype. Not much effort was put in at first, but after a while, our group got immersed with the project and began to work hard.

6 Mathematical principles of our design
Our design needed to have a maximum capacity of 50,000 square centimetres. We ensured that we measured our design accurately so it fit the parameters of the project. Our final design covered within the maximum volume. We prioritised our majority of ideas to fit inside the assigned box. The ball had enough momentum to carry it through the whole journey. Our functions were also able to operate properly due to our elaborate and well-thought out design.

7 How our RGM works and its representations
Our Rube Goldberg Machine includes two different people; Madonna and Michael Jackson. Our machine starts when you place a ball in a hole at the top of the box. The ball represents Michael Jackson. He rolls for a little while until he hits a wooden figure, Madonna. The ball knocks over Madonna. Michael Jackson/the ball continues along its run. When Madonna falls, she knocks a car which represents her life and then continues along her track. At the end, there is a cup that says ‘Guitar’. Michael Jackson fall into this cup, which represents the end of his life. Madonna stops at the end of the RGM due to the fact that she is still alive today.

8 b Our Rube Goldberg machine gives an insight into the modern music revolution. We have chosen to include significant figures such as Michael Jackson and Madonna. The machine symbolises how singers have changed the world.

9 How do revolutions progress human knowledge?
Revolutions advance human knowledge by providing important insight and information into different topics and faculties. It has created new trends and styles. Revolutions have also been the cause of many significant advancements. For example, most technological developments in recording and musical production have catered to the increasing demand of music.

10 b z

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