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Alligators Versus Crocodiles By: Jill Harris

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Presentation on theme: "Alligators Versus Crocodiles By: Jill Harris"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alligators Versus Crocodiles By: Jill Harris

2 Can you tell the difference?

3 Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level: 4 Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint is to have students understand the what the differences are between alligators and crocodiles. Learning Objective: Given two websites and two videos that contain facts about alligators and crocodiles students will need to interpret the material within the websites and videos to answer questions within the PowerPoint and on a sheet a paper with 100 percent accuracy. Content Standard: Accomplishments:

4 Check out these 2 videos and the 2 website to gather more information.
alligator Crocodile Biggest crocodiles Info on crocodiles Alligator information Note: You can pause the video so you can take quality notes if the videos are moving to fast. Then go to the 2 websites and take notes.

5 Questions??? Who has a U-shaped head? A. Alligator B. Crocodile

6 Correct Alligators have U-shaped heads, crocodiles have a pointy shaped head.

7 Question? How many eyelids does an alligator have? A. One B. Two

8 Correct Alligators have two eyelids.

9 Question? Are alligators found in Cuba? Yes No

10 Correct No, there are only 2 types of alligators: American and Chinese. Crocodiles are almost everywhere, they are found in the Nile, the desert, in saltwater, and in fresh water areas. They are also found in Cuba, New Guinea, and the Philippines and many more places.

11 Assignment On a sheet of paper, name as many characteristics about alligators and crocodiles as you can. You will be given 5 minutes.

12 Characteristics of Alligators
U-shaped head Shows off teeth when mouth is shut Have 2 eyelids Stay in the water a long time Awesome swimmers Grow between 6 and 19 ft.

13 Characteristics of a crocodile
Pointed teeth, cone shaped and are on the outside of jaws Can live up to 75 years Grow between 6ft and 20 ft. Continue growing as long as they are alive. 23 species of crocodiles Been around for 245 million years

14 Summary In this lesson the students will have learned the characteristics of both alligators and crocodiles. They will have watched two videos and researched two websites to gather a full understanding of the differences. Students also will take notes on the two videos and websites to be able to answer questions in the PowerPoint and on a sheet of paper for a grade.

15 Work Cited

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